Example sentences of "be [vb pp] and he [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 This was the way Prince Charles had been reared and he wanted his boys to follow suit .
2 However , Gerry Collins , the Irish minister for foreign affairs , later made it clear that progress had been made and he reaffirmed his Government 's commitment to the Anglo-Irish agreement .
3 It was not his plan , but he 'd been outmanoeuvred and he knew it .
4 It brought a smile to his face because he recognised the lie though no word had been spoken and he trailed his lips across her burning cheek before catching her mouth lightly with his own .
5 I asked him how he would prefer to be addressed and he said you can call him what you please , as long as it is polite .
6 Erm , but my Lord er I think the difficulty is that as far as my learned friend is concerned er he takes the view and it 's probably better for him to develop this your Lordship , that the matters can not properly be separated and he wishes your Lordship to deal with them in total so that er the whole picture can be seen at liability stage .
7 She needed to be caressed and he caressed her , massaging and pinching at the puckered rose-pink nipples , until the heat burst into searing flame and wildfire licked over her body .
8 But skipper Dave Watson revealed : ‘ Tony was disappointed at being dropped and he said what he felt at the time .
9 The french windows were closed and he drew his gun and peered in to the gloomy apartment .
10 Police were called and he swapped his castle for a cell .
11 Tickets were printed and he sold them to friends for 1&shilling. each …
12 Too many other people were involved and he felt he was losing his grip .
13 They told him they were going to do this , the papers were signed and he became their son .
14 She danced in a haze of misery , scarcely noticing when the music changed from vibrant rock-and-roll to ‘ the creep ’ and when the lights were lowered and he pulled her close she could n't be bothered to protest though she was revolted by the smell of beer on his breath ( where had he got it ? ) mingling with strong body odours .
15 I knew he was irritated and he knew I was ashamed .
16 He was hunched and he dragged his feet when he walked .
17 ‘ I asked the son how he knew how much was stolen and he said he last counted it 12 months ago . ’
18 She had him out of bed , touching his toes , bending and swaying with outstretched arms , leaning this way and that , rotating his hips , raising and lowering his shoulders , until his mind was numbed and he obeyed her commands like a robot .
19 He took 29.8 per cent of the first preference votes , Hume took 24.6 per cent and John Taylor did not pass the quota until West was eliminated and he collected his transfers .
20 The door was unlocked and he opened it carefully , the Browning cocked and ready in his right hand .
21 As he points out , the other man was killed and he knows he is lucky to be alive .
22 He was beaten and he accepts it and thinks this sporting attitude will count in his favour next time .
23 ‘ The opposition was divided and he thought his would be the strongest party .
24 Then his next train was belled and he accepted it into his section , setting the signals etc .
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