Example sentences of "be [vb pp] that he [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And somebody knew about that telephone call , and met Kemp at the railway station , doubtless informing the taxi-driver who had been hired that he was no longer required . ’
2 ‘ I 'm insulted that he 's even talking about me on the tape — and I 'm sure the other players he 's mentioned feel the same .
3 Alfred Rosmer gave an amusing but enlightening insight into Bukharin 's character and role in 1920 , and let it be recalled that he was only 32 years old in that year .
4 IBM Corp traditionally sends departing executives off with glowing resumees of their illustrious careers , so it was striking that the announcement late Friday that former chairman and chief executive officer John Akers had just retired from the company after 33 years was accompanied by the briefest and curtest summaries of his career — after all , the man had significant achievements behind him when he acceded to the top job , and it is arguable that many of the problems that plagued the company during Akers ' tenure were the fault of his predecessors , although it must be said that he was also in the loop at the time .
5 Although the lie itself could not alter his nationality , it would be argued that he was now , for practical purposes , amenable to the laws of treason .
6 But it has to be remembered that he was now being treated by many people with extreme deference , mixed , with not a little nervousness , and it is very difficult to behave normally in such circumstances .
7 It ought to be remembered that he was still forced to wear a truss because of his congenital hernia — no one has speculated on the physiological origins of his need for order and control — and that he was a victim of tachycardia .
8 Shadow from the Gladiators has a reputation as a hard man … but he 's keen for it to be known that he 's really just a big softie at heart .
9 The policy of buying off the raiders may often have seemed sensible , and it should not be assumed that he was always criticised for it , even by those who provided the money .
10 When they were told that he was still at lunch , Morton thought that Bragg would explode , but he controlled himself and settled for a middle-aged assistant .
11 Ron asked for secrecy so that he could sign another driver without its being known that he was truly needy .
12 ‘ He was stopped by security staff and while they were speaking to him they were informed that he was earlier spotted with a gun in the hospital 's social club , ’ said a Scotland Yard spokesman .
13 Mr Sayers added : ‘ Very sensibly the public have been warned that he is extremely dangerous and should not be approached . ’
14 It 's claimed that he was secretly paid commission for awarding work to three firms in Italy , Germany and Norway .
15 These begin from an appreciation of the complementary nature of data arriving through the different sensory channels and expand by the acquisition of concepts such as the continuity of the physical world , e.g. a person who walks behind a screen has not vanished , it is accepted that he is still there even though temporarily there is no sense data to confirm it , but a hypothesis will be generated which supposes that , if he walked behind a screen at a constant speed , he ought to reappear at a given time at the other side of the screen .
16 No record exists of his education and it is assumed that he was privately tutored .
17 It has been suggested that he is so determined to retain control that he deliberately avoids working with famous directors such as Bertolucci , Cronenberg or Karel Reisz .
18 Anyway , he was told that he was no longer being considered for flying , and when he turned up at Bourn he was an ordinary AC2 , with no flash in his cap , and was put on General Duties , which seemed to consist , most of the time , of cleaning out the ablutions .
19 On August 6 … he reported to an officer in London and was told that he was just in time to catch the 3.06 p.m. train to Bletchley where he would be met by someone .
20 and from what I understood he was already married anyway , never , never was mentioned here , but I did hear it , whether it was true or not I 'm not say it , but I was told that he was already married and divorced to marry her , that was what I was told , no I mean I do n't know , but but I 'm damn sure that I know
21 But again I was told that he was away from the office , and a girl who said she was his secretary could give no clear indication of when he was expected back .
22 But today , when he did n't appear at Horseferry Road Magistrates Court in London , the court was told that he was still unfit .
23 On the one hand Mrs Singh was told that his drawing and writing were immature , that he was still drawing and writing like a very young child ; yet later she was told that he was very good with a pencil and talented at art !
24 After an initial two nights in the sleep laboratory in which it was confirmed that he was continuously awake , he returned with his wife for a five-night stay .
25 At the end of four months it was discovered that he was only just sixteen .
26 Two days after its signing , Joyce went to England and joined the army , but was discharged when it was discovered that he was only sixteen .
27 It was held that he was properly indicted with stealing from the company because a person or company in control of the site is deemed prima facie to have control over things on the land .
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