Example sentences of "be [vb pp] for the next [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Needles are selected for the next row of weaving .
2 Try to arrange for a written record of what has been agreed for the next meeting , so that you can work to an explicit plan .
3 This is because , at the time this study was done , a machine could not be programmed for the next job while it was engaged in cutting .
4 A full investigation of the incident was continuing yesterday and a full report will be prepared for the next housing committee meeting .
5 A change will need to be made for the next meeting as Myrtle is still not able to teach .
6 He says that it can be seen for the next week or so in the west , but it 's too faint to be seen with the naked eye .
7 He must have done enough to be selected for the next match .
8 A variation on this is to hold in each entry in the translation table , not only the value to be placed in the destination string , but also the address of a new translation table to be used for the next source character .
9 The sum of these two numbers together will allow you to choose the most important and characteristic symptoms of the case which should be used for the next step .
10 FOLLOWING P.A. Newton 's revelation that Scottish & Newcastle Breweries supplied quantities of Newcastle Brown and Tartan Keg to a pub adjacent to the Russian Parliament during the recent failed coup , I understand that the Morning Star , daily organ of British Communists , has started a campaign for Old Peculier to be supplied for the next coup attempt .
11 A key feature of any quality assurance programme should be a system whereby managers regularly review different aspects of the service and provide feedback to staff about their performance and the performance of the unit so that new objectives can be set for the next assessment period .
12 During 1912 , when numbers had reached 172 , it was decided that entry would have to be restricted for the next year , as " the Board of Education has commented adversely on the size of several of our classes and has refused to countenance it " .
13 Subsequent learning about the pre-exposed stimulus will then be impossible until a discrepancy between the values of λ and V is established ( as will happen when the US is introduced at the start of the conditioning phase of a latent inhibition experiment ) so that the value of α will be increased for the next trial .
14 Having explored some of the causes of change and identified the areas which will continue to be debated for the next decade , it is perhaps appropriate to try to identify the developments which have occurred in the past 30 years .
15 Babies also become human adults ; the significance of which will be reserved for the next section .
16 At the time of the survey there was no drama specialist on the staff , although a drama/English teacher had been appointed for the next year .
17 Following this group , a further 20 units have been identified for the next group and these 20 come from within a batch of fifty who will form the subsequent groups .
18 Please note the extremely sensitive blocks currently being considered for the next round of licences ( see the map ) .
19 However , sponsorship is being sought for the next term and it is hoped sufficient funding will be secured to avoid a repeat fee .
20 My interpretation of what is going on at the present day is being saved for the next chapter , but some of the most startling results come from the latest ( and most accurately dated ) deposits .
21 We all know that the battle lines are being drawn for the next election .
22 The lights were dimmed for the next act , and a roll of drums announced two gorgeous showgirls , who were picked out by spotlights .
23 You made sure those words were learnt for the next day .
24 This will ensure that there 's commitment and that the direction is understood for the next year .
25 The whole area , a band 50 miles wide and hundreds or maybe thousands of miles long , is alive — rearing and plunging , writhing and creaking — as the future shape of a portion of the world is determined for the next aeon of geologic time .
26 Further investment for additional backing plant driers is planned for the next stage , as Lyle becomes one of the most up-to-date tufting companies in the business .
27 It is a struggle Ellen and no mistake and though I have been thrifty as mother brought us all up to be and the rent is paid for the next year I am hard put to pay wages and still eat and keep warm .
28 If you choose to have only one copy mounted by entering P or S it is suggested that the other option is chosen for the next run and thereafter P and S are chosen alternately for successive Offline Cycles .
29 MOLIERE 'S The Miser has been chosen for the next production by Ashton Hayes Theatre Club .
30 This was the end of the first visit and a date , 10 days away , was arranged for the next visit .
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