Example sentences of "be [vb pp] if [pron] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I can not be refuted if I claim that my visual sense-field contains a yellow sense-content , but I can be refuted if I go on to claim that there exists a yellow object that is responsible for my sense-content .
2 ‘ Which 'll be flayed if you walk out on us now .
3 Please note : Bookings can only be accepted if you cut out the relevant token for the course you 're applying for and enclose it with your initial application .
4 Using radio broadcasts and posters , they had warned the locals that they would be shot if they turned out to vote .
5 The food in some areas has more regional character than others but there are fine meals to be had if you ask around .
6 Some expressed the fear that she would be humiliated if she carried on , or that even if she won she would be leading a demoralised party .
7 It might be needed if they went out for the day .
8 You will be disqualified if you step out a fourth time .
9 I am assuming the £6M will be raised if we carry on in 1988 as we did in 1987 , improving distribution of course and encouraging people but doing nothing to undermine what individuals , churches and committees do already .
10 The police chief fears that his appointment could be terminated if he carries out policies that impinge directly on the interests of the mayor 's political supporters : electoral considerations and impartial policing thus make awkward bedfellows .
11 Asparagus beetles , for example , can dramatically reduce crop yields and , although often controlled naturally by ground beetles , need to be sprayed if they get out of hand .
12 I have done a lot of work on black holes , and it would all be wasted if it turned out that black holes do not exist .
13 The point here is that materials incorporated into buildings will be covered if they turn out to be defective ( s46(3) ) .
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