Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [coord] [pers pn] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I think there was a corner in the market that had n't been filled and we were there to do it .
2 He found the French officials and soldiers had all been interned and he was virtually a prisoner .
3 The harvest had been gathered and she was vaguely conscious of the glint of the sun on the gold and brown stubble .
4 To this end a comprehensive review of the training and examination syllabus has been undertaken and we are now embarking on a period of consultation with a view to implementing a more up-to-date system in two years ' time .
5 It 's been done up you see , it 's been altered and it 's now the community centre they call it is it not Nana ?
6 The nature of the obligation is simply that of an obligation to repay money which has been received and it is neither necessary nor logical , simply because the conditions of repayment relate to the performance of covenants in a lease , that the transfer of the reversion should create in the transferee an additional and co-extensive obligation to pay money which he has never received and in which he never had any interest or that the assignment of the term should vest in the assignee the right to receive a sum which he has never paid …
7 Then she has been infantilised and she is no longer autonomous .
8 Cos that 's when , when , when we get to that nearer the date , we could , we could just , you know , when you 're confirmed that you 've been booked and you 're definitely going , erm we could look at the finances and see how much we could afford to , to give , erm , something to each person to help with , eit either with the accommodation or , or the transport .
9 ‘ People have been approached and we are just waiting to hear now when the contracts are signed and sealed , ’ said a spokesman .
10 In slightly less than a year , citizens high expectations had been shattered and it was all over .
11 Scuffles are reported but they 're not given the chance to develop into any serious disturbance .
12 I I think we 're all very interested in what 's been said but I 'm very concerned that we 're not actually talking about those silent majority of children
13 Harley MS 6579 and marked by italics : Or further , in chapter forty-six , where Hilton is talking about the word " Iesu " as a means of focusing all the inheritance of life that the recluse desires , he says : These insertions do not add anything new , they simply expand in a particular way what has been said and they are not absolutely consistent in all the manuscripts in which they appear .
14 of the , the national average and it 's not because erm they 're paying high wages to get the , the most able people , it 's because there are mechanisms , institutional mechanisms that keep wages high , there 's no market in the jobs for , th these are generalizations but I think they are fairly , fairly true erm becau there is no market for er for the jobs , for civil service jobs that appointments are made and it is much more important who you know than , than what , what you know and the old boy network , as it 's called , in this country is fairly important in the English Civil Service but a similar sort of network tends to be far more important in developing countries , something that is euphemistically called patronage erm but we might call the old boy network or er er jobs for the boys whatever , but erm
15 One Special Branch man said to me : ‘ There is only one other minister who has two police guards and that is Mr Tebbit — but we 're armed and they 're not . ’
16 With children , your alternative is hard but I think it 's like a John Donne paradox : you 're bound but you 're also free ’ .
17 when when you do that , and obviously the need to gauge the erm presentation against audience contact to see that they 're involved and they 're obviously understanding what you 're saying and pick them up and grab them .
18 got back to his mark and we 're going to have three slips , Lewis gone to join the slips , so it 's er three slips and the gully , as waits for this one , packing were the up comes Lawrence now past Dickie Bird , bowls to him , well pitched up and he played a rather streaky stroke really , and he turns it away down to square Tufnell is down there , fields the ball , throws back quite nicely , he fielded very well , let's say that and one run goes on the total , er so that at the moment three hundred and four runs are needed and it 's about three point nine seven the required rate .
19 Prime 's Natick , Massachusetts headquarters has been sold and it is now headquartered at the old Computervision base in Bedford , Massachusetts .
20 If you are not , you may be heading for potential losses which could have been avoided and you are almost certainly not trading as effectively or profitably as you should !
21 Premier League chief Rick Parry has been invited but it is only for the 14 clubs .
22 Well Windy 's the legs are crossed and we 're away just the legs crossed and we 're away there you go .
23 It would be nice to think that these incidents are isolated but they are not .
24 In the actual examination all the figures are provided and it is only necessary to infer from inspecting the graph or drawing which of four alternatives is the correct one .
25 In the end he presents it as a solution to the problem which he had been set but it is really nothing of the sort .
26 ‘ Our house in London has been burgled but we were not in it at the time .
27 However this summer a temporary programme coordinator has visited the region and a short term programme of material support to children 's homes has been provided and we are now working to put other facilities in s to institutions in Serbia and are hoping that through the restructuring of children 's services , when the conflict is over and we believe obviously that may be some off , that we can tri can contribute to meeting the longer term needs of children in that war torn zone .
28 This shrine has long been abandoned but it is still a place of great power and of deep significance to both the Elves and the Dark Elves .
29 And i i i it 's , it 's a clear statement , at least to the cadres , that that moderate policy has now been abandoned and we are now off into land reform because this is what is happening anyway .
30 The more common it is , the more people will know of others who have been divorced and they are correspondingly less likely to condemn this action .
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