Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [adv prt] for two [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The company has an agreement with its work force that when work is short employees will be laid off for two weeks on full pay [ and ] after that they will have to apply for unemployment benefit … .
2 Tory MPs protested the measures may be held up for two years because of delays on the Bill to ratify the Maastricht Treaty .
3 It is for this reason that patients are followed up for two years after treatment .
4 The £750,000 Payton has been ruled out for two weeks with a torn hamstring sustained in the FA Cup replay defeat by Portsmouth .
5 All the defendants were bound over for two years on a personal bail of £350 and some were also fined .
6 O'Doherty , who had not taken part in the obstruction , was fined £5 for allegedly leading the singing of ‘ We shall overcome ’ ( a charge he denied ) , and the others were bound over for two years on £50 personal bail .
7 Not that she intended accepting any favours from him , but she knew he was booked in for two nights , which gave her time to return his hospitality if she could not manipulate tonight into a Dutch treat .
8 I liked to find my own stories — and I was just beginning to place the best of them in national papers when I was whisked off for two years ' National Service .
9 Kenneth Shoane , 66 , was bound over for two years by Maidstone Crown Court in Kent yesterday for making threats to kill Kate Kray , 35 .
10 " He was bound over for two years in Leeds , but that ended last month . "
11 On another occasion when I was holed up for two days in a tiny cottage in Snowdonia while it poured with rain , an ordnance survey map , my first hand knowledge of the area and an illustrated catalogue of Turner 's work allowed me to prepare for locating the sites where he worked .
12 Despite a 150-strong police presence , traffic was held up for two hours as the farmers taunted Britons , shouting and waving banners which read ‘ Britain is an island .
13 The morning train from Sidney picked up milk from various farms for shipment to Victoria and on at least one occasion it was held up for two hours while cows , that had been turned into the bush the previous night to pick up what nourishment they could were searched for , rounded up , milked and the milk loaded for the trip to town .
14 Officials from the HSE told MPs that their work on implementing the recommendation of Britain 's advisory committee on asbestos was held up for two years while they worked on the EEC plan .
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