Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] [art] [num ord] four " in BNC.

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1 Darlington health authority 's budget has been frozen for the next four years prompting a review of spending priorities .
2 1990-91commitments in support of macroeconomic and structural policies totalled only SDR5,600 million , two-thirds of which had been committed in the last four months to five countries — Bulgaria , Czechoslovakia , Hungary , Poland and Romania .
3 More importantly it has also been the experience of the many students on whom the approach , exercises and problems have been piloted over the last four years .
4 It is being restored at present — a task that will be completed over the next four months .
5 The last house in the valley — West Wortha — will be demolished within the next four weeks , but archaeological work will continue even as the water level starts to rise .
6 The remaining rights would be phased over the next four quarters until December 1992 .
7 Chemotherapy consisted of four week cycles of intravenous leucovorin ( 200 mg/m/day ) followed by 5-fluorouracil ( 550 mg/m/day ) and cisplatin ( 20 mg/m/day ) , each drug being given on the first four days of the cycle .
8 More than half the British troops in Germany are being withdrawn over the next four years , which will inevitably put more pressure on UK training areas , making the removal of the MoD from national parks even less likely .
9 The 5th generation — Expert Systems — must be seen as being applied to the first four generations of Maintenance but at the same time trying to integrate them as well .
10 103 youths were arrested in the first four weeks , but there are porblems , sometimes in radio communications and it has been at a cost .
11 The great abbeys established as a thank-offering by the victorious Normans were complemented over the next four hundred years by a number of smaller foundations , dictated by the tenets of fashion and individual piety .
12 This measure was repeated in 1297 and fines were paid during the next four years .
13 Up to 300 more are planned over the next four years , under a plan to help parents on the bank 's payroll .
14 Such an inquiry is undertaken in the next four chapters .
15 The application of the material covered in the first six subjects to professional problems is tested in the last four subjects .
16 A higher income still was achieved in the first four years of Elizabeth , but the feudal revenue then fell back to between £12,000 and £14,000 per annum until 1598 , when an upward movement began once more .
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