Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] a time [Wh adv] " in BNC.

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1 The totals had been disclosed at a time when local authorities and others were being subjected to curbs for alleged lack of efficiency .
2 When Queenie talks about the increased expenditure on recreation from nineteen eighty to now , that 's quite right , there has been a huge increase in spending , and that 's because the Labour Council was committed to improving recreation facilities in the City , and it did n't continue the appalling record that the Conservative administration had had before of virtually no recreational facilities , it invested in recreation facilities — you listed them yourself — and of course those facilities have to be paid for and on when we have stood for election we 've always made it clear that we want to provide quality services , but of course that they have to be paid for , and so the second point that you then made was that , you know , our budget 's gone up beyond belief , well I mean this year it 's being cut by two million pounds , last year it was a standstill budget , and erm that has been done at a time when in fact Central Government has been transferring responsibilities from Central Government onto Local Government without increasing , indeed at the same time decreasing the amount of Central Government grant that 's gone to local councils .
3 It had , after all , been built at a time when the rooms were heated by coal fires tended by an army of minions and when a score of carefully composed hand-written minutes by the Department 's legendary eccentrics were adequate to control events which now required three divisions and a couple of under secretaries .
4 However , in order to be used successfully , pointing must be carefully co-ordinated with the child 's vocalisations and her direction of gaze and be performed at a time when the adult is attending to the child ( Lock 1980a ) .
5 The important point is that it should be used at a time when for some reason pressure is to be taken off members of the class — putting them in what is virtually a ‘ spectator ’ role can give them time to recover from what had perhaps been inadequate non-projected work .
6 I take note of what my Hon. Friend says : it is a great pity if any parish church has to be locked at a time when members of the public may wish to enter it .
7 His father had thought it would be a good idea to ask for the boats to be blessed at a time when Whitby Harbour was crowded with the big Scottish fleet which was following the herring as they moved south .
8 In these rebellions , the main grievances voiced were fiscal , although it is not certain how far the taxation itself was the real cause of discontent and how far merely the last straw which could not be borne in a time when land was becoming scarce and real wages were in decline [ A.1 ] .
9 ( 5 ) It will be helpful if the announcement of the offer can coincide with positive public relations coverage for the offeror. ( 6 ) Ideally , a bid should not be announced at a time when it will have a reduced impact ( eg on a day which is expected to be dominated by other major financial news or company announcements ) .
10 I repeat that there is no need for any school budget in Northumberland to be cut at a time when its overall expenditure can increase by 5.4 per cent .
11 No redeemable shares can be issued at a time when there are no issued shares of the company which are not redeemable .
12 It is for this second tranche of shares that management will probably require loans to subscribe , and , to qualify for interest relief , these shares must be subscribed at a time when Newco controls Target .
13 In a semi-literate age politicians are fragile ; they live by and through institutions which were developed at a time when speech-writers were unknown and MPs were elected on policies evolved without feedback , positive or negative , from market researchers .
14 These roles were pursued at a time when the ideas , language , and values underpinning social care were changing rapidly and when resource constraints were worsening .
15 This is understandable because the Gospels were written at a time when the Church had to exist in a Roman world .
16 I happened to believe that it was important that they protected this week in the international calendar for Britain , especially as in two or three years time , there is the possibility of it being moved to a time when , in theory at least , it ought to be easier to attract top players .
17 They were produced at a time when lay people were being targeted for instruction in ways which further fostered their consciousness as individuals with self-defining choices to be made by the programme for revitalising the mission of the Church instituted by the fourth Lateran Council in 1215 .
18 Most of the current generation of older people were born at a time when the motor car was an unusual sight on the streets , aeroplanes were rarely seen in the skies , telephones were rare , radio and television were many years from invention .
19 His notion of a European intellectual and cultural order , for example , was being asserted at a time when political events began to destroy the illusion of a common European identity .
20 Being the prevailing wind did not make a storm less stormy ; having bubonic plague during a Black Death which affected half the world did not make it less painful ; being overindebted at a time when cultural change had made it fashionable neither excused it nor mitigated it .
21 So Smith is arguing that Freud 's analyses were conducted at a time when society was still undergoing a fundamental shift towards not only an industrialised society but one characterised by the growth of large cities .
22 The report focussed particularly on universities which were constructed at a time when long-lasting buildings were not a priority .
23 But those arguments were expressed at a time when their implications were seen as inappropriate , unrealistic or unacceptable by many managers .
24 CRUCIBLE , Channel 4 's answer to Horizon , is being scotched at a time when the new TV channel is capturing only 4 per cent of the viewing market in the UK .
25 By contrast , the present day is seen as a time when people 's sense of duty and responsibility is much weaker , so that they are less prepared to acknowledge obligation or to take responsibility for kin .
26 It is true that the writing-up of a thesis may be its author 's first , and most difficult , exercise in scientific communication , and it is written at a time when the author may be scientifically immature , and lacking the communication skills which will develop later .
27 This is spoken at a time when the media are documenting despair amongst Cork Street galleries and recognition by major collectors such as the Saatchi family that the bottom has fallen out of the market for modern art .
28 ‘ This must take place in the early hours of the morning in order that the narcotic is delivered at a time when there is little public activity .
29 Because of problems with disparate styles of music , however , an occasional Sunday afternoon service is held at a time when white people who are committed to this kind of outreach are free to attend .
30 As a Bank that looks after its customers ' financial welfare , we know just how important the benefits offered by this Plan could be to you as they are paid at a time when you would need real financial help .
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