Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] [noun] that it " in BNC.

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1 For a long time it has been content with this unchanging splendour but more recently it has treated itself to a quartier in the most modern style , complete with a magnificent new concert hall , the Corum ( which unfortunately appears to have been built on ground that it is less than stable ) .
2 However , s 2(8) did not apply to information provided under s 236 of the Insolvency Act 1986 , and it was argued on Mr Naviede 's behalf that disclosure of the transcript to the SFO should only be made on condition that it was not used in evidence .
3 Many years later , it would be said of Australia that it was not a sea-going nation but a surf-going one .
4 ‘ To have intercourse with a woman who is not your wife is , even today , not generally considered to be a course of conduct which the law ought positively to encourage and it can be argued with force that it is only fair to the woman and not in the least unfair to the man that he should be under a duty to take reasonable care to ascertain that she is consenting to the intercourse and be at the risk of a prosecution if he fails to take such care . ’
5 The scheme should therefore be drafted on terms that it can be implemented with any modifications required by the court without the need for approval by a further shareholders ' resolution .
6 If this is the case , the changes of the past 30 years may be the first signs of a return to the more traditional population distribution of pre-industrial Britain , but it must also be borne in mind that it takes a very long time to shift major population patterns , and that the present trends may only be a veneer on an underlying and more permanent structure .
7 However , before taking any adverse moral position it should be borne in mind that it is only the existence of such risk takers that allow risk-averse ( such as those described in motives 4 to 5 ) investors to effectively sell the risk of their portfolios or investments .
8 These are questions which history departments must pose for themselves but it should be borne in mind that it is at the end of the key stage that a final assessment will be required .
9 The mental element with respect to unlawfulness remains to be determined , but it may be assumed after Morgan that it would be intention or recklessness .
10 Such centrally funded schemes have tended to be supported by claims that it is only by central intervention that particular objectives can be achieved .
11 If there is a whisper of redundancy , do not be deflected by talk that it is all in the very early stages , too soon for public discussion , and by promises that there will be plenty of opportunities for comment and debate at an appropriate stage later on .
12 Even if this argument is unsuccessful , it should be kept in mind that it is not all security interests which will be prejudiced by automatic crystallisation but only those lacking priority to a crystallised floating charge .
13 I am fascinated to notice that your profession has at last started not merely to say that , but to criticise those who refuse to allow so manifest a fact to be stated in order that it may be examined .
14 Western institutional theorists have concerned themselves with the problem of ensuring that the exercise of governmental power , which is essential to the realization of the values of their societies , should be controlled in order that it should not itself be destructive of the values it was intended to promote .
15 So many letters of protest were received from listeners that it was decided to retain one transmission to Europe , at 1230 UTC each day on 9855kHz in the 31 m band .
16 The hon. Gentleman heard me say on numerous occasions when the Environmental Protection Bill was being considered in Committee that it was under strength .
17 Both BBC viewers and those who did not watch the BBC were agreed on balance that it was biased towards the Conservatives though those who actually watched it were more evenly divided on the direction of BBC bias than those who did not ( Table 6.1 again ) .
18 We were told in terms that it was a veritable tyranny — Scotland was colonised by vultures and no roof beam in Scotland was free from this plague .
19 Christopher Trickie and his Wife … told Mogg that the French people had taken the plan of their House , and that They had also taken the plan of all the places round that part of the Country , that a Brook runs in the front of Trickie 's House and the French people inquired of Trickie wether the Brook was Navigable to the Sea , and upon being informed by Trickie that It was not , they were afterwards seen examining the Brook quite down to the Sea .
20 A charity stunt team which drives volunteers through a tunnel of fire has been warned by experts that it 's dicing with death .
21 By now it is accepted among teachers that it is within the individual school that curriculum innovation and development , the implementation of whole school policies and the continuing development of professional skills must be initiated .
22 The truth is , that the whole long history of religion is littered with evidence that it is this very failure continually to revise , supplement and , where necessary to ruthlessly reject the scriptures , that has brought about , in this late twentieth century , some of obvious that there can be no real hope of salvaging the old order .
23 Very often assessment of a child 's language is required in order that it can be presented to other professionals who are seeking to help that child .
24 The drugs giant has been rocked by talk that it could be expelled from the FTSE because of the way it pays dividends .
25 That humans also fail on these sentences was regarded as support that it reflected how humans process ambiguity although arguments exist against this inference ( Briscoe , 1987 ) .
26 Outside the immaculately maintained and smartly guarded naval enclaves , where minds were drilled as thoroughly as bodies in uniformity and obedience , the privilege of royal society was granted on condition that it would be denied to all outsiders .
27 She toyed with the idea of Yorkshire or even further south but was persuaded by Louise that it would be a mistake to make Constance change schools at that point , just before her School Certificate examination .
28 On Monday , the jury at Mold Crown Court , was told by Burgess that it was McLean who was responsible for the attack , kicking and stamping on her .
29 TSL Holdings reached pre-negotiated agreement in principle with some of its major creditors to restructure its debt in a deal expected to result in an exchange of existing debt for a combination of new equity and long-term debt , and the agreement was reached in recognition that it would make the Chapter 11 filing ; Europe accounts for some 80% of sales .
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