Example sentences of "be [pers pn] [adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Are you saving up , reading about business management , surveying the market , giving yourself a deadline — or are you just wistfully dreaming over the cash register , with no intention of making your dream a reality ?
2 ‘ As to trapping you , are you not already trapped by the past ?
3 Are you really totally confined to bed , Faye ?
4 Are we not perhaps condemned to periodical or non-periodical ‘ crises ’ on an inverted basis , on a different correlation between production and consumption ?
5 Alternatively are we too quickly blinded by the sophistication of some new releases into dismissing older recordings on the basis of their ‘ primitive ’ technology ?
6 Why , even when complaints are made , are they often inadequately dealt with , why is there no compensation and why do people sometimes hear nothing for far too long ?
7 just as left handers are as a rule more variable in their hand preferences , so too are they less completely lateralised at the cerebral level .
8 Were we really so suckered by her beefy dominatrix image that we did n't notice the lameness of the stuff her producers were dumping on her ?
9 Arguably , Macao would worry less about its future were it not constantly exposed to the nervousness of Hong Kong across the water .
10 Were it not better done as other use to sport with Amaryllis in the shade , or with the tangles of Nayera 's hair . ’
11 basically the criteria is what is the most , how is it most sensibly dealt with , right , cos you do n't want a or somebody like that rushing all over the bleeding country going to Aberdeen one minute , Edinburgh the next
12 Is it all right to walk on a Sunday , Uncle Rory ? ’
13 Rather is it more closely related to the problem of alien priories .
14 The odour may be objectionable to him but is it sufficiently so to amount to a nuisance at law ?
15 Is he good enough to play for us ?
16 Why was I not instantly informed of his true situation ?
17 Was I now so enmeshed in this world that the role of visitor had changed ?
18 Was she then secretly distressed by the thought that she had failed him ?
19 Why was she so well informed about Islamic history ?
20 And furthermore , went on the priest , was it not so proven by Holy Scripture ?
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