Example sentences of "be [adj] and [pron] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I have a theory that most people believe that they are shy and you hear the most extraordinarily extrovert people being interviewed on television and radio and confession they are really shy !
2 After the age of 65 , provided your smears have been normal and you have no symptoms , there is no need to have any more .
3 Here is what you must memorise : These words are Latin and they form the basis of the secret to this trick .
4 But I could have been wrong and I had no means of checking my suspicions .
5 ‘ The assurances are OK and we have no intention of either looking elsewhere or altering our original itinerary , ’ Smith said .
6 Certainly the style and type of projects in the schools are different and they offer a markedly different approach to user education in schools than was prevalent before the present period of research funding .
7 ‘ The response has been tremendous and we see the success spreading to many other towns and villages . ’
8 ‘ The response has been tremendous and we see the success spreading to many other towns and villages , ’ he said .
9 No it 's normally from Saturday morning till Sunday morning I just think we 'll end up going for the day but he said , he 's got Gerry coming up from Hull to mind the shop on Saturday , he said oh you 're tired and you need a change and a rest he said something like erm
10 Cos they 're lovely and I have a pair .
11 ‘ People come here aged maybe 50 or 60 and their blood pressure goes down to what it was in adolescence , they are no longer constipated , digestive problems seem to disappear , their sex lives improve , their eyes are shiny and they have a feeling of optimism instead of carrying a heavy load of despondency .
12 Paul McCartney said , ‘ Bootlegs are illegal and they cheat the public . ’
13 ‘ For an Amateur League club the facilities here are great and we have an excellent squad . ’
14 I did n't get anywhere very fast , but when you are confident and you know the market is there it is inevitable , because of the heavy initial investment , that you 're going to make substantial losses in the early years .
15 Her response had been poor and she had a resistance to anti-depressants .
16 I think it depends what members of society we 're talking about , right , if people are educated and they have a way forward to improve their understanding , then they become less and less involved with a
17 In the next chapter we consider events which are unexpected and which shock the couple into making a response ; for example , the discovery of an affair can destabilize a relationship to the point of breakdown , although more frequently it triggers a re-evaluation of the partnership and some heart-searching as to why it was necessary to draw attention to problems in the marriage in this way .
18 Al Phizacklea 's drawings are incomparable and I love the one of Gable Crag which , when the pages are folded back like in novelty production , mates up exactly with the frontispiece .
19 He said that this would be unnecessary and I got the distinct impression that I should not ask any more questions about it but be content that I had got my letter back .
20 In other words , I mean I 'm retired and I mean the point is that my erm experience goes back into the er into the dark ages I can almost say because in these days , you probably realise , I mean if anybody buys a video you do n't ask you do n't look for the book of instructions you ask about a five year old kiddy how to programme it !
21 It must be confusing and I have no answer to the criticism , except to blame the clearly short-sighted attitude on management .
22 Mother 's own experience as a child had taught her to be self-sufficient and she needed a lot of support and practice at learning how to meet Maria 's emotional and social needs .
23 The King 's Cross scheme may not be perfect and I respect the views of local Members who say that it is far from perfect .
24 But if we 're to handle it this way it 's got to be fast and we need every lead you can give us . ’
25 Then they condemn themselves as well and until society can say that 's perfectly alright , that 's a good situation to be in , whoever it is you 're living with , and that you as a child are okay and are valued then the children themselves will be okay and I think the Sco , we lose some of the erm secondary deprivation and emotional deprivation that children in single parent families
26 welcomed everyone and said it was gratifying that so many had made the effort to be present and she extended a special welcome to the representatives from Norfolk , North West and the West country .
27 I 'm celibate and I live a very serene lifestyle .
28 Then she realised that he must be hungry and she felt a pang of that pity which is akin to love .
29 And , I talked to other publishers erm , including a very large one which will be nameless and they have a pretty good spread and their experience was the same as ours .
30 ‘ But the number of ships affected will be small and we underline the need for the Commission to find a long-term solution . ’
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