Example sentences of "be [adj] for [adj] other [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The sycamore ( Acer pseudoplatanus ) is widespread , particularly so on the Downs near the coast where conditions are unsuitable for most other tree species , and it is much favoured by passage migrants .
2 Ashton thus created a special style fur a particular character which summed up — as it were — her whole being , but which would have been unsuitable for any other ballet .
3 They are useful for many other jobs around the home and garden .
4 Remarks made on Dec. 6 by an APLA spokesperson were widely seen as a " declaration of war " on the white community , and APLA was also believed to have been responsible for various other incidents .
5 SIR — The England cricket squad contesting the World Cup in Australia included players who would have been eligible for three other nations — West Indies , South Africa and Zimbabwe .
6 The suggestion that conventionalism reduces surprise must assume , then , not that surprise is unfair but that it is undesirable for some other reason : that it is inefficient , for example , or imposes unnecessary risks , or frightens people , or is otherwise not in the general interest .
7 But Dent is famous for many other things : its " Terrible Knitters " ; Dent marble ; Adam Sedgwick ; and , of course , its vampire .
8 Boeing builds the ALCM , but the Convair Division of General Dynamics is responsible for all other types , including the ground-launched missile .
9 ISDN is currently priced in fixed 64Kb/second chunks , which some see as a limitation : with the latest compression techniques in place , 64Kb is a bit excessive for phone calls , but it is insufficient for some other purposes .
10 The same is true for many other periods ; for instance , coins provide a date for the deposit of the great Viking hoard from Cuerdale in Lancashire of c.AD905 , and this in turn provides a date for the associated objects and hence a pivotal fixed chronological point for our understanding of Anglo-Saxon metalwork .
11 However , on behalf of many of my constituents — I am sure that this is true for many other people around the country — I should like to stress that , although none of us thought in 1979 that we would be discussing this situation today , as a result of it many of our constituents have received a quality of life far superior to that which they might otherwise have had .
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