Example sentences of "be [adj] for [art] first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Bill Muggeridge , he noted with regret , had been free for the first hour , when Pumfrey and Fenniway had been busy with the Fromes , but was not free again until after lunch .
2 Double ropes are useful for the first pitch .
3 The US , where Tie Rack now has 41 shops , has also been responsible for the first half loss .
4 ‘ But you 've taken me so deep I feel as though I 'm complete for the first time .
5 Now I 've found out that he is n't my father I 'm learning to be free for the first time in my life , do you understand ? ’
6 Some forms of mobile invertebrates like , for example , Cleaner Shrimps , also regularly spawn in the home aquarium and could be ideal for a first attempt at home breeding .
7 By an order dated 8 July 1992 Ward J. granted a declaration on the ex parte application of T. 's father that it would not be unlawful for the first defendant , the West Midlands Regional Health Authority , to administer to T. a blood transfusion in the course of medical treatment despite the absence of her consent , since it was in her best interests .
8 We shall not be responsible for the first £100 of each and every loss or damage from any of the causes specified in Paragraphs 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 and ( if applicable ) Paragraph 14 of Part 1 of Section 1 of this Policy .
9 We shall not be responsible for the first £100 of each and every loss or damage under Part 1 of Section 2 of this Policy .
10 Otherwise , you would be responsible for the first £50 only .
11 If your motor cycle is lost or damaged you will be responsible for the first part of any cost as shown below .
12 You will probably be responsible for the first £35 of each claim in respect of baggage , money , medical expenses and cancellation and curtailment ( except when a claim is made for the initial holiday deposit ) .
13 Tomorrow all roads and ways to Cheltenham will be full for the first day of the National Hunt Festival …
14 Although the charge carried a maximum penalty of one year 's imprisonment and a $100,000 fine , Barry 's sentence was widely considered to be harsh for a first offence .
15 From next April , tax relief will be available for the first time for individual training expenses — encouraging a further increase in the commitment of individuals to train to improve their future career prospects .
16 It will remove dead hair , and may also reveal signs of fleas. ( 2 ) A brush will be essential for the first stage in the process .
17 Ian Stewart aims to be ready for the first team in three weeks
18 The Belgian state phone company Belgacom and P&T Luxembourg have cosily been awarded the contract to install the European Parliament 's internal telecommunications network , which requires that they supply , set up and operate the private network , integrating all services used by the deputies and the administration : the network links Brussels , Luxembourg and Strasbourg and will be installed during the summer of 1993 to be ready for the first autumn session .
19 His storm lasted two and half days , leaving him ragged and with only enough energy to get to the airport to be ready for the first flight out .
20 £50 Excess BJ The Society shall not be liable for the first £50 of each and every loss arising from any of the causes specified in Paragraphs A.2 to A.4 inclusive A.6 to A.11 inclusive B.1 and B.2 of Section 1 of this policy .
21 ‘ It will be mad for the first couple of months .
22 This is all a far cry from the cosy coffee morning , which is itself shorthand for a vast network of peer support groups in which women , who have ceased to be competitive for the first time in their lives , can find reassurance during a period of mindbending uncertainty .
23 Erm they would n't she 'd be alright for the first time you see , but they would get tired and then they 'd be they 'd be on to me .
24 A study at the unit was carried out on 80 women under the age of 40 who were pregnant for the first time .
25 In 1933 the Nazis increased their number of seats on the Volkstag to 38 , and were present for the first time in sufficient numbers to have an effect on the business and workings of the chamber .
26 I have noticed this during the last two or three days that I have been sitting here , being able for the first time in this House , to see the faces of my old associates , I have admired the way in which they have cheered to keep their spirits up , and I have admired those who have done that knowing — knowing — that only a few weeks , possibly , remain , before the place that knows them now will know them no more .
27 I released the crew that had had no food or rest all day and we were ready for the first watch next day . ’
28 This is usual for the first week after a strike but it would not surprise me if things began to happen later in the week .
29 The fourth attribute demanded by George Corner , that of understanding , is possible for the first time in the history of civilization ; but it is a possibility which so far is available to only a small minority of specialists .
30 The risk of death is high for the first year of life , falls sharply to reach a minimum during the teens then climbs , especially from middle age onwards .
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