Example sentences of "be [adj] [that] we [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps we should conduct annual examinations from an early age to be sure that we do as little of this sort of damage as possible ?
2 Why do you think it might be important that we think about what we say and how we say it on the telephone ? erm There is a gap here for you to respond !
3 I am proud that we succeeded in submitting our Reports on time .
4 It is absurd that we have to be tied up in private Bill procedure in order to allow railway developments of the type that we are discussing tonight .
5 Yeah , it 's interesting that we talk about single parent families but the two or three people at the beginning talked about erm , the one parent , the father was in actual fact , I know he was actually resident there was probably his his erm interest was non-existent .
6 On the one hand , it is clear that we depend for survival upon our bodies , whereas we may not want to say that God depends upon the world for survival .
7 It is unfortunate that we have in the Australia v New Zealand Second Test seen a player have his nose broken through illegal play , and the player 's union concerned choosing not to use this new law change .
8 It really is incredible that we talk about sixth form education , the education of our young people between sixteen and nineteen , as a peripheral area .
9 We 're expanding rapidly , and it 's imperative that we function with more efficiency .
10 The unity of the theme is at stake , so that after a period of change it is inevitable that we return to our original discourse .
11 It is inevitable that we think of children at Christmas but , as Father John McCullagh writes so movingly on this page , our thoughts should not stop there .
12 Being in the same business , it 's inevitable that we bump into each other all over the world .
13 It 's important that we look at the pattern of our spending as a local authority over the past five or six years .
14 But if we do go down , it 's important that we build in it .
15 ‘ I think for this department it 's important that we work as a team and we all get great satisfaction from seeing a complex job completed . ’
16 ‘ It is important that we protect against these outrageous actions . ’
17 That 's one of the reasons why it is important that we come around the Lord 's table .
18 It , too , has the potential for magnificence and it is important that we begin with the logical starting point and create a lush playing surface to rival the finest in the world . ’
19 So before we proceed further it is important that we look at the units and measurement of temperature , pressure and volume .
20 Thus it is essential that we keep in mind that notions which may now seem ‘ normal ’ and ‘ natural ’ are in fact , as with most things , social and cultural constructs determined by a complex of reasons and situations .
21 ‘ Now all this basic planning does take time , which is why it is essential that we come onto a programme during its very early planning stages .
22 We much regret that this involved a net loss of some jobs but if we are to remain competitive against increasing overseas competition , it is essential that we operate with the lowest possible cost base and the most efficient facilities .
23 But at the moment it is essential that we work on what we bring with us when we enter these conflict situations .
24 More commonly , however , Calvinists viewed natural disasters as signs of divine anger , requiring appeasement through prayer and public fasting ; during the famine of 1586 , for example , the Bishop of London commented in a letter : ‘ for appeasing His wrath it is convenient that we fall to earnest repentance , prayers , fasting and other deeds of charity . ’
25 It is vital that we tackle with urgency both sides of the problem .
26 If we are required to make a decision which has consequences for other people , and if we wish to treat them properly , then it is vital that we take into account their own views on the matter .
27 It is vital that we get across the fact that under the reforms in the NHS we can now set proper standards of care throughout the country .
28 It is true that we live in an age when people are increasingly more likely to act on intuition , but many are still able to calculate when two and two add up to five .
29 While it is true that we have until now been concerned with consciousness , and used the term " mental events " in the ordinary way so as not to include all that may be included in the mental , the rest of the subject-matter of that domain is not thereby excluded from our coming reflections .
30 In a workshop which was being made up Then we went on to er , it was funny that we passed through London , the very s day or second day that word arrived that the invasion was on , the troops had arrived in , in Normandy .
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