Example sentences of "be [adj] [conj] [pers pn] came [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Not all meat and dairy products are produced intensively and Singer seems to allow that it we are confident that ours came from animals humanely bred and slaughtered then we are doing nothing wrong in eating it .
2 Moreover , the Thessalians by tradition held the presidency of the Amphictyonic Council ( Syll. 175 ) which could be useful when it came to putting a motion .
3 She 'd be dreadful when they came to Der Zarewitsch in three weeks ' time ; like playing Arsena again .
4 The idea was that the distinction should not be apparent when it came to examining human activities and social relationships in actual urban areas .
5 Everyone tried to help , reassuring her that this was a good omen , she would be marvellous when it came to the actual performance , but it was fairly obvious she was in a bad way .
6 And yet it may still be true that he came within minutes of Jerome 's flight , found the man only stunned , stooped close and knew him , for then knowing was possible , and killed him , and only then took thought how to escape suspicion , and came running into the town , to me . ’
7 The luggage lizards were asleep when I came to .
8 The noise levels were deafening and you came off work feeling your head would explode .
9 ‘ I think back to people like Allan Clarke , who were annoyed if they came off the pitch without scoring a goal .
10 It is possible that it came from the east of the Frankish confederacy , rather than the Rhineland .
11 They were moving with me all the time and er , the eldest child was four year 's old when he came to this country and er , two and a half year 's old the girl , younger to him .
12 I 'm , I 'm , if there any question over it , the reason why I said ten days I 'm already sitting in London for , until the end of next week and therefore if there were any question , it 's obvious that it came before me , and that
13 He said : ‘ The selection committee is multi-racial and we came with the 30 best players we could pick .
14 It 's good that you came to me .
15 If you know that I have just bought an angora woollie at half price in a sale , it is unlikely that it came from Boots the chemist .
16 So , having consistently been right about why and how the Tories would win , I was wrong when it came to the point .
17 ‘ I thought it was OK because you came from Hong Kong .
18 With £200 outstanding , he fully expected to pay some interest over the month , but was alarmed when it came to £29 .
19 But she was confused when it came to buying an off-the-peg suit for her 40th wedding anniversary party .
20 I always used to like him , she remembered ; I was glad when he came to the house .
21 But their decorating knowledge was invaluable when it came to restoring the farmhouse .
22 And anyway an extra woman was useful when it came to bringing things from the kitchen and clearing dishes .
23 He was reluctant but it came in the end : ‘ I 've been thinking ; if Alfie really was coming here it 's possible he would have taken the short cut like we did when we were boys .
24 He did see himself very much as a responsible figure as far as other people 's well being was concerned when it came to this , and this was probably based on the fact that his step-brother , Terry , by his mother 's previous marriage , was classified as schizophrenic , a problem which David felt could be hereditary . ’
25 ‘ I was surprised that you came on the Mantela . ’
26 I toyed with the idea of walking the station to meet him , but , having a sore throat and an impending cold , had gone out to get cough sweets from the ‘ Paki shop ’ just before it closes at 10pm and , coming up the street , the heavens opened and a mass of snow began to fall , so I came in and stayed in , so that 's freshly home made onion soup was ready as he came up the stairs .
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