Example sentences of "be [adj] [prep] [noun] from the " in BNC.

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1 Despite all the evidence against her , despite her own words , her betraying silences , had he been wrong about Isabel from the start ?
2 develop informal ways of getting things done — ie. norms and rules which are different in character from the ‘ organisational manual ’ rules which are imposed organisation .
3 REE data for calcites are consistent with inputs from the shales and through dissolution of the limestone host rocks .
4 Schizophrenia — schizophrenic convulsions are relieved by picrotoxin from the Levan berry of S. and S. E. Asia .
5 The Maidenhead , Windsor and Eton areas have been subject to flooding from the River Thames for generations .
6 Keith Joseph and Kenneth Baker , though I believe they are genuinely anxious to improve the lot of all children at school , have nevertheless been subject to pressure from the most inflexibly conservative thinkers .
7 They 're desperate for help from the public
8 They 're desperate for help from the public to find some answers .
9 Purcell probably completed this piece late , and supplied it on a separate sheet ; the part-copyist would have been able to gauge from the skeleton provided in the score how much space to leave in the second violin and viola parts .
10 Defence Secretary Rifkind is reported to be grateful for support from the fourteen military minded Conservatives whose confidential letter to the Prime Minister was somehow left lying on a copying machine for a Labour researcher to find , but he is irritated by the leak , an insider murmurs that Malcolm 's notching up black marks for the future .
11 For this reason the owner may be guilty of theft from the possessor or controller .
12 The phenomenon seems to me to be different in kind from the first .
13 But such was the resistance from management , it was feared that it would become impossible to recruit top-quality personnel from the private sector if they were going to be subject to oversight from the Comptroller .
14 As postulated by Smith ( 1969 , 103 ) , this may be indicative of influence from the west country .
15 Additional records will be available on request from the Post Qualification Section , Education and Training Department .
16 A copy of the application may be inspected in my Department between the hours of 9.00 am and 5.00 pm from Monday to Thursday and from 9.00 am and 4.00 pm on Friday , or may be available on request from the Clerk to the Parish Council or Parish Meeting .
17 Some aids may be available on loan from the Red Cross , Age Concern groups , the WRVS or other organisations .
18 The bike will be available for hire from the Fairholmes Cycle Hire Centre , run by the National Authority at the northern end of Ladybower reservoir .
19 Solaris-on-Intel , work on which only began last January , will be available to developers from the third quarter , and will require a minimum configuration of a 33MHz 80386 with 80387 co-processor , or 25MHz , 33MHz , or 50MHz 80486DX , 80486DX2 or 80486SX with an 80487SX co-processor .
20 A leaflet giving final details will be available in October from the Events Office , 36 , Queen Anne 's Gate , London ( please enclose a stamped addressed envelope ) .
21 ‘ Kaynitro ’ packed in ‘ Dumpty ’ 2 was introduced in the spring and other fertilizers will be available in pack from the autumn .
22 The exhibition is sponsored by the Friends of the Nationalgalerie and Telekom , and the catalogue ( Hatje , Stuttgart ) , by Hainer Bastian and Werner Spies , is available at the especially low price of DM39 so as to be affordable to visitors from the new Lander .
23 Thames Polytechnic is envisaging a course which will qualify teachers for the secondary phase ; in the first instance this course will be open to teachers from the Inner London Education Authority only .
24 Companies will be filing claims under explosion insurance which covers damage resulting from terrorism , while victims will be eligible for compensation from the Criminal Injuries Board .
25 If it turns out that there had been no infringement of the law in relation to the goods in question , the trader may be entitled to compensation from the enforcement authority , section 14(7) .
26 Eggs , caterpillars , chrysalids , stick insects and equipment are available for sale from the showroom .
27 Copies are available on appro. from the Office .
28 Further copies are available on request from the Distribution Department , ACE .
29 Details are available on request from the librarian .
30 Copies are available on request from the SCOTVEC Publications Unit , .
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