Example sentences of "be [adj] [noun] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Among them are outstanding objects from the Olmec , Aztec and Maya civilisations including a turquoise Aztec mosaic mask in the form of two intertwined rattlesnakes , painted codices from pre-Hispanic times , among them the Codex Zouche , stone architectural fragments from Mayan sites and jades from the Olmec period .
2 Paul Moriarty , Jonathan Griffiths and Ian Marlow in particular are outstanding players at the top of their form at the moment . ’
3 The Law Society may refuse to cancel an RFL 's entry where there are outstanding complaints about the RFL concerning his or her professional conduct or where there are proceedings pending against him or her before the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal .
4 Tekere alleged that four of his supporters had been killed in Harare , and that others had been harassed ; he also claimed there had been administrative irregularities in the polling .
5 We can see , then , that Weber agrees with Marx that the crucial economic features of capitalism are private ownership of the means of production , and markets for goods and labour .
6 We have seen that both Marx and Weber see contemporary Western societies as capitalist , and both agree that the crucial distinctive features of this are private ownership of the means of production , and a market for labour .
7 The Sinhalese were thought lazy because of their reluctance to work for planters , but the poor living conditions of estate labourers are ample explanation of the failure to recruit Sinhalese workers .
8 The reason for this discrepancy is not known ; it might be because there are short-term fluctuations in the rate of lava eruption and that recently the rate has been well below the long-term average .
9 The level of linkage is quite dense in both extracts , but there are striking differences in the choice of devices used in each case .
10 The bovine gall bladder model has been studied in our laboratory and we have shown that there are striking similarities in the composition of bovine and human bile apart from cholesterol concentration , which is five times less in cattle compared with human bile ( unpublished data ) .
11 It seems reasonably certain that different human brains are not anatomically identical , as different Aplysia brains are , although there are striking similarities in the kinds of neurones present in particular regions of the brain , and in their connections .
12 ‘ HAVE been sweating blood over the question of what is right and feasible to do .
13 Robertson 's drive over the bar and Klinsmann 's shot , astutely blocked by Walker , ensured that there would have been adolescent opposition to the idea of an early exit while there was so much to appreciate .
14 There has been conflicting evidence concerning the occurrence of DGR in both normal controls and in association with gastric ulcers .
15 There have been conflicting reports concerning the form of gastrin that is increased in H pylori infection .
16 There are reserve powers in the Bill to make pensions orders if satisfactory pensions arrangements are not provided by any of the privatised companies .
17 There had been rich Christians before the time of Constantine , there had been educated or upper-class people to be found in Christian communities , and in growing numbers during the century before Constantine .
18 An invigoratingly stormy relationship was in the making and if Nicholson had been gossip-column fodder at the time , the writers would have had a field day .
19 The angels with the symbols of the Passion on the cornice are by M. V. Jäckel but there are strange symbols in the metopes , presumably relevant to the Order .
20 Then there are strange happenings in the castle
21 Supplementing the common law duties , there are specific responsibilities under the Companies Act 1985 and related legislation ( including the Insolvency Act 1986 ) .
22 Genes are specific parts of the DNA in the chromosomes that all animals inherit from their parents .
23 We now know that the sea-urchin egg has a well-defined polarity from the beginning and that there are cytoplasmic differences along the egg .
24 The main causes in older people are muscular spasms of the lumbar region ( lower back ) and wear and tear of the vertebrae themselves .
25 In the rat brain there are regional differences in the structure of the cortex , but the areas that can be identified tend to blur into each other .
26 There are corridor-like store-rooms in the West Wing , though not as extensive as those at Knossos .
27 Figure 17 ( a and b ) are diagrammatic representations of the ranges in scope for library user education evaluation viewed from two different aspects .
28 Long-awaited multiprocessing — as distinct from parallel processing — RS/6000s , on which Compagnie des Machines Bull SA is collaborating with IBM , are due volume at the beginning of 1994 , if you listen to Big Blue .
29 Behaviour patterns such as early morning drinking , gulping down drinks , hiding alcohol , and compulsively seeking alcohol are strong pointers to the alcohol dependence syndrome .
30 The proposal in the review is that you probably will need to keep your joint care teams , your JCTs , which tend of course to be professionally and officer dominated , but there are strong feelings throughout the county , and one has to remember the run up to local government , erm , the local government commission is on , strong feelings especially from the voluntary sector , but also from the district councils , that there could be renewed dynamism at the local level , in terms of local care teams .
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