Example sentences of "be [art] [noun] i [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I might have been the butterfly I 'd watched enmeshed on the hanging geranium in Auntie 's backyard .
2 ‘ That 's always been the view I 've taken — it 's the Conservative Party 's view . ’
3 What are the questions I want to answer ?
4 Inevitably one windows will overlap another , and many are the times I have found myself moving windows aside to get to a particular application or dialogue box .
5 No I know I know but where are the ones I 've made ?
6 Now we all know because we 're print buyers to a larger or greater degree but they 're clients they over-estimate they add about twenty five per cent more on than they need and you have to send them back to sharpen their pencils several times before you 've seen the estimate , they of course know that all print buyers are idiots who keep forgetting all the important things and do n't give them half the information they need like the weight of paper or the fact that there 's to be a pocket at the back so , I think if we got the man I think if we maybe started off with H M S O the print buyer which is more akin to what we are and say well you know these are the problems I 've got I 'm sitting with a six million pound budget buying for the whole of the government of Scotland and I have problems and these are the problems that I have , then we get to the wee man from who says now wait a minute boys I get the rubbish that you send out , that was the message and let's make it funny but slightly aggressive let's highlight the real problems because that 's what it 's about , we 're not here for a nice night we 're here to learn
7 The essences marked with an asterisk are the oils I tend to use more often .
8 The reductions at those six points are the figures I have given in paragraph three , seventeen percent , nineteen percent , twenty eight percent , twenty three percent , ten percent and thirteen percent .
9 What I look for when searching for a ‘ new ’ big bream water are the points I have mentioned : fifteen or more acres of water , and rich feed .
10 Since nineteen eighty seven the number of vacant local authority dwellings has also fallen and these are the cuts I do want , cuts in the number of empty houses , cuts in the rent arrears , cuts in the tax arrears so that the money is there to spend on the services that people want .
11 Could they be the ones I had met ?
12 So , he wan na be a hero I suppose does n't he ?
13 It is more likely to be a wonder I have borne with things so long .
14 Of course McDunn points out that I could still be the murderer ; this could all be a story I 've made up .
15 The other one should be a button I 've pressed the button just lift this up button she set , there you go .
16 I 'll be every morning I get shaved going to work in the morning .
17 ‘ Something to do with the Second World War , Superintendent , which happens to be an area I 've written about myself . ’
18 This not being the case I have benefited much from the peace and quiet and from the fresh air .
19 These were the questions I wanted to put when I sought him out in France .
20 When I was a young lad in the ‘ fifties , the foreboding ‘ X ’ certificate was awarded to films which showed people in bed together or — and these were the ones I wanted to see — the Mummy , the Werewolf , Dracula , and good old Frankenstein .
21 The white frilly aprons and mob caps clearly labelled those who had elected to become servants for the afternoon ; less easily identifiable were the spiv I 'd spotted earlier — with his slicked-back , Brylcreemed hair and sneer of a moustache — and the vampish creature dressed in black taffeta adorned with diamanté who had looked me up and down disdainfully .
22 And there were the prizes I 'd accumulated through primary , books for Good Attendance or General Merit , in which I usually came top girl .
23 There had been long periods when I could only enter you and come in you by secretly pretending to myself that I did not know you , that you were a tart I had picked up in a bar — or on the street corner .
24 I was that content with being a mother I 'd decided I did n't want a job until my daughter went to secondary school .
25 Hill said : ‘ This is the opportunity I have worked for and I would like to thank the team for putting their faith in me .
26 What I think is happening , I find this interesting , people are rejecting the idea of the aesthetic , and I 'm not quite sure why ; I do n't know whether they think it 's elitist or whether they 've got no taste of their own , or what , I do n't know , but people read poems not as poems which convey aesthetic emotion , which is the way I tend to think about poems ultimately , but simply as ideological statements and political texts , or at least , things that give you some understanding of the way people thought or so on at the time … .
27 ‘ Perhaps you would , but this is the way I 've done it . ’
28 This is the way I have learned to use my machine and although there are one or two things I still do n't quite understand , I feel that with a bit of determination and the help of your articles I am getting there .
29 This story will , I hope , be convincing , for it is the way I have tried to tell it to my neuroscientific colleagues , but it will be in one important sense economical with the truth .
30 ‘ This is my show ; this is the way I want to do it .
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