Example sentences of "be [art] [noun] [conj] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the most striking have been the experiments that show that the presence of the neutral weak interaction in addition to the electromagnetic interaction does indeed lead to a parity violation in electron proton scattering and in certain transitions in heavy atoms .
2 What , in general , are the conditions that promote and obstruct creative teaching ?
3 Some are the reverse and feel that individuality is under threat when they appear .
4 ‘ We 're a community that exists because the Forest Service has a timber programme , ’ he says .
5 It would be stupid to say that there are no egos , there 's always been a push and pull and there always will be , ’ explains Burgess , coolly positioning himself within the team framework — the intelligent old pop heads and firebrand upstart combination that makes The Charlatans devilish in Brit pop terms .
6 It would be stupid to say that there are no egos , there 's always been a push and pull and there always will be , ’ explains Burgess , coolly positioning himself within the team framework — the intelligent old pop heads and firebrand upstart combination that makes The Charlatans devilish in Brit pop terms .
7 It 's worth also noting at this point that if you are a tenant and renting and you lose your job you are eligible for housing benefit , erm if you if you were er buying your house , although you do get some er er you get the interest I believe on your mortgage paid , there are lots of other things that do not get paid but the thing is that if you have a reduction in your income which might happen where one partner say lost a job , er you s you 're eligible for housing benefit but you get nothing as far as company paid mortgage is concerned .
8 When he was small , David Miller had been every bit as spirited and mischievous as any boy , but he had been bullied into believing otherwise .
9 Add proposed record spending levels on research and development , infrastructure , education , enterprise zones and job training , as well as real estate and profamily incentives , and there may well be good reason to fear that the overall budget deficit may be the constraint that yields if spending cuts ca n't be found to finance all of these initiatives .
10 put it together on a training session on this and they rely on you and perhaps talk through to the session and say look that when I say this sort of thing , will you be the person that demonstrates or gives me answer you know , this sort of thing .
11 There should be a law that states that no wild-caught animal should be kept as a pet .
12 It will be a Europe that recognises that transnational commerce and industry , with all their powers , are tolerable only if there are effective mechanisms to safeguard employed people — men and women , their families and retired people — who might otherwise have no defence against the demands and requirements of vast corporations operating on a continental scale .
13 All I knew were the half-truths and lies that children were told in those days .
14 This is the title that means that Jesus is king over all creation .
15 Now this is n't your s shoulder directly , but it is the muscles that hold and support and turn the shoulder blade , and of course whenever you do anything with your shoulder the shoulder blade moves with it .
16 It is the Ego that suggests that , because there are people starving in the world , we should feel guilty about having more than we need — as if our guilt will somehow fill those hungry mouths .
17 What is the logic that dictates that the shareholders should be entitled to the corporate surplus , instead for instance of the employees or management , with the entitlement of the shareholders reduced to a fixed return on capital ?
18 The principal drawback with ATNs is the complexity that arises when a system becomes large .
19 Yet it is the state that ensures that only solicitors may be paid for transferring interests in land or that only doctors may issue death certificates .
20 It is the process that occurs when the cells of the blastula rearrange and move so that the hitherto rather simple , and often spherical or flat embryo is transformed into something approaching the form from which the animal will develop .
21 Under the Protocol the only document which need be translated is the complaint or pleading that initiated the action in which the letter rogatory was issued .
22 Part is the bother and hassle that " follows the making of any decision .
23 In fieldwork it is the details that matter and details can not be discussed in general terms .
24 This is the motion that says that the Apex conference would be able to debate issues of a general nature which are appropriate for this Congress , the decision making body of the union and for no other conference in the union .
25 This is the argument that suggests that senior officers are rather like Sir Humphrey figures in Yes Minister , who take the view that there 's nothing wrong with the government except for all these elected clowns that clutter the place up
26 Erm you can like say there 's the ball and like and like up here you can go ca n't you .
27 Well it 's the council that refused cos they had n't got the money .
28 It 's a feeling that comes and goes . ’
29 There is no requirement that use or disclosure be intentional ; nor must loss to the company be established .
30 The general point is that primary schools might be more imaginative and flexible in their deployment of staff : there is no law that says that there should be one teacher to one class for all of the time , and that this is the best possible arrangement in all circumstances .
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