Example sentences of "be [conj] he have [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So gi given the unless somebody 's out unless you 're if he 'd actually tells me to do it I will say I was sort of oh alright and do it .
2 That is , it might be that he had fully internalized the requisite mental structure , but for some reason lacked the capacity to use it .
3 And no doubts , never any doubts at all , that men thought as he would have them think , and would always be as he had always known them .
4 Of course he knew what those reasons were but he had never faced them .
5 The remarkable thing about it all is that he had already caused significant bad debts when his Pergamon Press failed in the seventies .
6 One possibility is that he had already begun to campaign in western Saxon territory and that additional troops joined him from his supporters there .
7 But what 's aggrieved me is that he 's just waltzed off with it and not
8 The speaker must monitor what it is that he has just said , and determine whether it matches his intentions , while he is uttering his current phrase and monitoring that , and simultaneously planning his next utterance and fitting that into the overall pattern of what he wants to say and monitoring , moreover , not only his own performance but its reception by his hearer .
9 One reason why Mr Smith is regarded as the front-runner is that he has already secured the support of key trade union leaders , including John Edmonds of the GMB general workers ' union and Gavin Laird of the engineers .
10 The one certainty is that he has consistently sought to secure his own position , mostly by presenting himself as a sensible centrist between the extremes to his right and left .
11 ‘ The great thing about Joe Boyd , ’ says Andy Kershaw , whose Radio 1 show provides one of the rare outlets for the African percussionists and Bulgarian tractor mechanics ' choral ensembles currently recording for Hannibal , ‘ is that he has consistently put his artistic principles before his commercial instincts .
12 Another point Chris would like to stress is that he has only tested his herbal remedies on tropical community fish ( which are mainly acid-loving ) and pondfish — he does n't know how more specialised hard water fish , such as Mbuna , which come from areas with virtually no plants , would react .
13 This is because he has recently practised safety procedures for almost every conceivable emergency , and they are therefore fresh in his mind .
14 That had been when he had just engaged himself to me .
15 It was already beginning to feel as if the last four years had never happened ; as if she were still the confused , angry , raw-nerved girl she had been when he had finally walked out on her .
16 Although he now realised what the phenomenon was that he had just witnessed , he found it impossible to digest the truth before his very eyes : Firelight had given birth to a baby .
17 The simplest explanation was that he had just got tired of Jacqui .
18 What soon became clear was that he had also acquired a modern-day glamorous superstar .
19 ‘ Perhaps — ’ But he stopped , and Anne was left wondering what it was that he had nearly said .
20 What was unforgivable was that he had systematically lied to me — and I had let him do it .
21 It was said that Harry Short 's great strength was that he had never tried to imitate smarter trainers , that he played by his rules , was his own man , but even this was flattering him .
22 Valenzuela 's testimony had confirmed Wally 's involvement in several brutal killings , and Valenzuela 's first reaction was that he had unwittingly taken yet another life .
23 All he knew was that he had always woken up with a splitting headache afterwards , and often wished he 'd had the headache instead the night before .
24 As I said , part of Barny 's problem was that he 'd never had any contact with people at all , and by the time I got him it was too late .
25 All he said in his defence was that he 'd always indulged in affairs — he needed them .
26 Malleson had said that half the people were as ready to drop out as he was and he had already dropped out .
27 ( He did n't know what a warrant was but he had often heard locals use the phrase when the RIC came to search their houses . )
28 The reason Jake had had a change of heart was because he had finally realised for himself that Janice would not make a good mother for Kirsty , and that Shiona , on the other hand , would .
29 She had n't taken part in the questioning but the others , Mair knew , would assume that that was because he had already told her the answers .
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