Example sentences of "be [conj] it [vb mod] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Rumours are that it may reappear somewhere else , perhaps Basingstoke , but who knows ?
2 If Robson Rhodes had not decided to make fundamental changes in its operating style five years ago , the chances are that it would have long since been swallowed up by one of its rivals .
3 She is in the grip of infatuation and … the odds are that it will lead precisely nowhere ; that they — and more probably he — will call the whole thing off .
4 Could it be that it might shake up the cosy , old fashioned world of the LTA ?
5 Another disadvantage of this type of competition is that it may look just a little too difficult and thus put off some of the would-be entrants .
6 What happens when the mass of the black hole eventually becomes extremely small is not quite clear , but the most reasonable guess is that it would disappear completely in a tremendous final burst of emission , equivalent to the explosion of millions of H-bombs .
7 Oh well that 's really turning it round , is n't it ? erm My feeling is that it would work very well provided there was a , a safeguard , and that is that if you wanted to argue you could .
8 One of the difficulties of proceeding with the single currency , particularly if a small number of member states within the Community were to proceed on their own , is that it would become increasingly difficult for others to join them at a later stage .
9 However , the most striking difference is that it would see not a motion picture , but a succession of still frames , rather like a slide show .
10 The only serious objection to it is that it must suffer badly from the cold and , in its country of origin at least , it must spend the whole of the winter either indoors or in a man-made coat .
11 Hence , another key aspect of spatial user interface design is that it must seek both to structure and filter human perception of space and spatial relationships when expressing an operation and passing it to a GIS .
12 As a basic point , you should enquire whether the scheme is contracted in or out of SERPS and whether the intention is that it should remain so in the future .
13 Yes I mean , I think that we had a big discussion at the last area committee on the scheme and the problem was of course that the detailed plans er , for the consultation erm to the , I 'm at , I 'm a bit worried that at this late stage there 's this new idea of of building on the green wedge at the back and I would n't like to think that the scheme should be delayed the important thing , it seems to me , is that it should press ahead and
14 The idea is that it can check more accurately whether people have done the courses , and I hope that that answers the point made by my hon. Friend .
15 One of the best things about the Empire army is that it can accommodate almost any style of play .
16 The problem with this approach is that it can become rather competitive and nerve racking for those children who do n't get " chosen " early on .
17 The trouble with life , it seems to me , is that it can turn out to be too late and you still have n't understood it . ’
18 However successful British Coal is in the future in building on its outstanding success in recent years and improving productivity , one of its basic problems is that it can sell only coal .
19 If a manufacturer of a product says ‘ It can do this and that ’ then my expectation is that it will do exactly what the manufacturer says it can do .
20 Over twenty years that same feature has become apparent to me , so that I can say confidently that one feature of a perfect trotting swim is that it will shallow up gradually downstream .
21 An additional advantage of the ring core is that it will accept more than one overwound pickup coil and they have different orientations to the external magnetic field .
22 ‘ The point is that it will happen anyway , ’ says Ditton .
23 The problem with this is that it will drive up the exchange rate and thus make it harder for firms to export .
24 More likely in statistical terms is that it will close down even earlier due to judicious coaches ' or managers ' recommendations on the inadequacy of the majority of aspirants ‘ to make the grade ’ .
25 A further element of contrast built into the research is that it will explore how inter-agency policies are negotiated and enacted at a local level , in a small number of tightly defined neighbourhoods which will be chosen in such a way as to reflect demographic variations , differences in housing stock and employment , varying local crime rates , ethnic diversity , and other relevant factors .
26 Expo '92 is forecast to exceed all records as the biggest exhibition of its kind , but the important question is whether it will live up to long term expectations .
27 The key to the paysannat concept , as indicated here , was that it would become more intensive over time .
28 The great advantage of Realism was that it could justify both accommodation and the building up of armaments in the name of a balance of power .
29 One of the conditions of the original purchase from Wedgwood was that it could buy back the house for £1 if we had not completed the restoration within five years .
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