Example sentences of "be [conj] [pers pn] [be] so [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In this way the surface output , being as it is so critically dependent on transformational pedigree , becomes a highly labile and volatile product .
2 The truth is that they 're so often used as fast turnover test beds for review equipment , and new fishkeeping ideas , that they are probably less interesting than the majority of our readers ' tanks .
3 Another reason why they are peripheral is that they are so largely rural — in the developing countries too , the rural areas are in a peripheral relation to the urban centre .
4 ‘ Matilda 's trouble ’ , she said , trying once again , ‘ is that she is so far ahead of everyone else around her that it might be worth thinking about some extra kind of private tuition .
5 ‘ The thing about you , Helen , if I may say so , is that you are so refreshingly detached from all that one finds disagreeable about contemporary life . ’
6 But the one thing that does impress itself on you is that he 's so very competent .
7 Snobbery , as he knew , if subtly and intelligently interpreted , is vastly different from racialism , and one reason why Waugh was not a racialist is that he was so inveterately and intricately a snob , and devotedly believed in shadings and gradings .
8 ‘ That 's because you 're so much like him . ’
9 I did n't expect it to hit me quite so hard , but when I think about it it 's because I 'm so bloody sad that the last fourteen years were spent in dying not in living .
10 The only reason it hurt so much was that she was so desperately in love with him .
11 The trouble with Hilary Frome , thought Toby , was that he was so often right .
12 In my opinion Karenin acted in quite an unpredictable way but I think this was because he was so entirely shattered by Anna 's actions .
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