Example sentences of "be [adv] [num] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His mother 's death was the first he had been intimately concerned with — his father 's hardly counted , because Peter had been only thirteen at the time .
2 Share prices are determined by supply and demand and anticipatory and speculative factors , and the expected earnings of a company are only one of a number of factors which influence investors .
3 But as we pointed out at the beginning of this chapter , the courts are only one of a series– of filters regulating access to the criminal justice and penal processes and , as such , they are also affected by decisions taken elsewhere in the system .
4 Aluminium smelters are only one of a score of industries which now pollute the total environment with fluoride emissions and solid wastes .
5 There are only 200 in the wild at the most , yet 1000 are registered in zoos around the world .
6 Hereford are only two off the bottom of the third division now after slipping up at Gillingham … their defence was well beaten by the opening goal from Arnott …
7 There are a number of cases of this kind , and I would point out that air and rail journeys are only two of a number of service benefits which have a number of problems attached to them .
8 There are only three to the south porch .
9 Yes , two months ago she had been just one of the Pinehurst girls , and today she was the owner of a house and faced with the double problem of looking after her sister and providing a means of livelihood for them both .
10 She had been just fifteen at the time , and had agreed with him heartily .
11 We are already two-thirds of the way through our stay in Peking , and by the time this letter reaches you we may well be getting ready to leave for Sian .
12 The answer is that the new identities are just one of a number of changes taking place in higher education .
13 Top Cajun Band The Flatville Aces are just one of the host of outfits on parade at the Farnham Folk on April 26th .
14 After all , Wang Laboratories Inc and Prime Computer Inc are just two of a string of companies that have opened and later closed in the south of Ireland , but Amdahl Corp is still there , Intel Corp is investing heavily and expanding , 3Com Corp and Cabletron Systems Inc are among the new arrivals , and several other chipmakers are still doing assembly and Sun Microsystems Inc has just followed ICL Plc and Sema Group Plc in establishing software development operations in the Dublin area .
15 His autobiography , Living Dangerously , and his book about the discovery of Ubar , Atlantis of the Sands , are just two of a string of best-sellers he has written about his adventures .
16 David and Scott Lloyd are just two of the father/son partnerships who will be competing in the national finals at Quietwaters Hotel , Golf and Country Club later this month ( 24th–28th Feb ) .
17 Erasure and Cher are just two among the onslaught of Greatest Hits which has begun to assault us as marketing replaces music in the run-up to Christmas .
18 The Good news is that we 're now 4 in the table
19 They 're about six from the bottom ai n't they ?
20 But for every two up-and-coming clubs that make the grade , there are always two on the way down .
21 They are both 19 at the time , and if there 's anything in the world that 's sweeter than being 19 when you 're 37 , it 's being 19 in a street full of whores and dirty bookshops and Chinese restaurants .
22 ‘ Now they are nearly two-thirds of the way to the South Pole , ’ says MS Society spokesman David Harrison .
23 And you would have been about seven at the time .
24 Apparently for every one serious fire in a royal palace , there are about 38,000 in the nation 's schools .
25 You are now one of the committee member and the certainly put on productions in Lewes , but also at the Gardner Centre .
26 There are now 425 in the country , but they provide only one place for every 300 children under five years of age .
27 No , I did n't , I 'm only one of the spokespeople .
28 I have a strong interest in languages , and although now we are trying to teach more languages in school , even in primary schooling , I do n't feel that within er my , I 'm only eighteen at the moment , by the time I 'm twenty five things still wo n't have came far enough along for me to utilize this skill .
29 Implicit in these views was the fact that child abuse was considered to be only one of a range of problems that many families who come under the system 's microscope were experiencing , and that there was a need to respond to all the problems including child abuse , rather than of necessity giving it priority .
30 It can be quite painful , for the insider is studying his own social navel , with the potential always present that he will recognize this to be only one of a number of arbitrary possibilities and perhaps also find that many practices are built on the flimsiest of moral precepts .
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