Example sentences of "be [adv] [vb pp] that some [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It has also been inconveniently revealed that some Muslim fighters have being doing to Croats what the Croats stand accused of doing to Muslims .
2 Class antagonism has undoubtedly relegated national questions far into the background , but , without the risk of lapsing into doctrinairism , it can not be categorically asserted that some particular national question can not temporarily appear in the foreground of the political drama .
3 It is also envisaged that some other steel exporting countries would ultimately accept the rules , creating an ‘ International Consensus ’ on public aids to steel producers , which could be formalised under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) .
4 The Clean Air Act of 1970 set out to create a healthy atmosphere for the population within less than a decade , but even by the 1990s this has not been achieved and it is now expected that some urban areas will not achieve healthy air until well into the next century .
5 They could obtain compass information from the sun and stars , and it is indeed known that some seasonal migrators follow stellar patterns ; stellar orientation has been particularly well studied in the indigo bunting , a bird that inhabits North America .
6 It was later discovered that some Scottish Folds developed thickening of the limbs and tail , and that this was a serious handicap to them .
7 It was commonly believed that some evil spirits lost their strength in daylight .
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