Example sentences of "be [adv] [conj] we [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Another Orcadian was equally adamant that injustice had been done : ‘ We 're here because we feel it 's very wrong the way the bairns have been uplifted , and they 're being treated quite like criminals really .
2 Slalom is meant to be fun ; it fails to be so if we take it all too seriously .
3 A lot I think cos this this bit 's a quarter is n't it and we 'd get that 'd be enough if we cut it into quarters how many quarters would we get ?
4 And it struck me straight away that although the twentieth century as it marched on made us look more and more like Americans , we are Europeans , we always have been Europeans , our roots are there , our culture 's there and of course in the late twentieth century our economic needs , and the geographical links , the electronic links mean that we are there whether we like it or not .
5 Life , according to metaphysics , is exactly as we want it to be .
6 Just like salvation , is not because we merit it .
7 The reason the Royal Show is international is not because we say it is ; it is because the international visitors choose to visit the Royal Show and that is what makes it the most international agricultural show in the world .
8 And it 's just because we hate it that we 'll beat you .
9 ‘ It 's not that we think it 's wrong to have girl-friends , we just choose not to at the moment .
10 This then is essentially as we see it , a plan for the recession .
11 But that was only after we had it for about thirty years or , or more .
12 ‘ It was over before we knew it , ’ said Taliesin later , ‘ and even if it had not been , I do not think we could have got near to the Lad . ’
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