Example sentences of "be [adv] [adv] [vb pp] [Wh adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the fallen girls might behave better if they were not constantly reminded how different they were .
2 It is not adequately understood how molecular clouds in both the disk and the bulge manage to sustain internal motions in excess of the sound speed ( ) , but we suspect that strong magnetic fields within the clouds ensure that the Alfvén speed is at least comparable to v .
3 It is probably not realised how English this type of gesture has become and can be seen in many English ballets .
4 Perhaps it is n't fully appreciated how easy greenhouses are to move , especially if they are aluminium and just a few seasons old .
5 We had climbed together a couple of weeks before at Goat Crag , where I was once again reminded how suited Fanshawe is to upward progress ; a powerful frame and seemingly hydraulic legs brought him to the crag aeons before I arrived .
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