Example sentences of "be [adv] [adv] [adj] [that] i " in BNC.

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1 I am rarely so drunk that I ca n't talk or walk straight .
2 I rarely comment on Irish affairs , not because of lack of interest but because the Irish communities would reject any opinion or suggestion if they considered it a ’ Brit ’ suggestion or opinion , but , in this instance , the circumstances are so hideously distressing that I feel compelled to comment and to ask the Minister whether he thinks it a heavy irony that last Friday 's incident followed successive discoveries of large caches of arms and whether perhaps it was a desperate attempt by the IRA to reassert some degree of authority .
3 I have done mine , erm , I will send one of these round , but the majority of them I feel are so very small that I do n't feel that we need to discuss filling in the because I know the intention was that we sent the document well in advance of what 's being done otherwise we are just going to get bogged down in er , this meeting in terms of all of the decisions .
4 ‘ I am not so complacent that I would say they wo n't become a formidable competitor but for now they are not , ’ Jonathan Martin , head of sport at the BBC , said .
5 However , I hope I am not so complacent that I am unable to acknowledge the difficulties of trying to bring about change .
6 I am not so thick-brained that I did n't get the memo . ’
7 But I am not so sure that I should have recognised what I recognised unconsciously at the time of writing : that I was in a state of helplessness , the helplessness of being a non-person .
8 I am not so green that I expect to get the sole credit on this movie .
9 I am not precisely sure that I know what the right hon. Gentleman had in mind on sentencing policy , but I am happy to engage in exchanges outside .
10 ‘ They are not so appealing that I relish the idea of seeing them again , ’ Murtach retorted .
11 Smiles from that quarter are not so plentiful that I can afford to disregard them , but I was n't in the mood to appreciate one right at that moment .
12 I am usually so well that I bear even mild illness badly .
13 I am still rather surprised that I had the good sense for once in my life to follow my hunch and come and see you .
14 I 'm not even sure that I 've decided yet . ’
15 I 'm not even sure that I 'm doing the right course .
16 ‘ Cup rugby would also have appealed to me , but I 'm not so sure that I would have been so enthusiastic about playing in a league , ’ Cranmer says .
17 " You know , Dad , I 'm not so sure that I 'm cut out for what you want me to be , " he said , and sipped his coffee with a pensive expression on his face .
18 The two colours do n't go too badly together but er I 'm not so sure that I would really want that hanging on the wall , I , it does n't really appeal to me very much .
19 ‘ I 'm not so green that I do n't know what a man means when he invites a woman back to his flat after midnight . ’
20 ‘ Let's just say there 's one man I do n't trust , but I 'm not so bigoted that I 'm a man-hater . ’
21 I know I 've had something quite unique happen to me and I 'm just very glad that I 'm leaving here so well .
22 I 'm ever so disappointed that I 've not been to Yugoslavia , I wanted to go to Dubrovnik , you know , it 's been on the sort of list but I 've never got round to it .
23 ‘ I 'm really very sorry that I had to leave you with my mother .
24 They were both so pleased that I had come , by accident , to make their day perfect .
25 ‘ It 's much more hilly that I expected , much more severe , more than anyone said to me , ’ said Montgomerie .
26 Then again , it 's much more likely that I just do n't know how to use these things properly .
27 My poor friend Mr. Carter is so very ill that I doubt he ca n't recover .
28 It is clear from the right hon. Gentleman 's first attempt to amend regulation 72 that the Government 's motive is to save money and administration — the motive is so absolutely blatant that I am amazed that even the Parliamentary Under-Secretary , whose eccentricities are well known , could not deny the obvious — while , at the same time , blocking or restricting back payments of entitlement , even where there has been official error .
29 ’ She is not yet aware that I know her .
30 As well as rumours of troops of infantry escorting respectable citizens to afternoon tea in the suburbs , and the recommendation that gentlemen at a loose end because of the shortage of decent game reserves might turn their hand to a new blood-sport — ‘ We have got together a splendid pack this season , and the game is still so plentiful that I 'll bet we 'll show you some really first-rate sport ’ — the ‘ anti-garotte ’ movement launched by Punch invented various kinds of anti-robbery device .
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