Example sentences of "be [adv] [adj] [prep] her [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Stiff with pride — which she was now sick and tired of being told was a Leo trait — and buoyed up by the certain knowledge that it would have been morally indefensible for her to desert her father , Laura had taken some weeks to realise that there must surely have been another way for them to solve their problems .
2 But it 's been really hard for her to juggle .
3 Yet — strangely — it did seem to be her concern , and — equally strangely — she could not decide why it should be so important for her to understand the true state of his feelings towards Doreen .
4 In the first place , there is a gap between say and do : however cooperative a mother , it may be genuinely difficult for her to provide undistorted information about her behaviour and feelings as they impinge on her child .
5 Would it be totally insane of her to agree to his suggestion ?
6 Julie T Wallace has never been a shrinking violet — which is probably just as well , as it would be almost impossible for her to fade quietly into the background .
7 And I think it would be very useful for her to have an appraisal .
8 But she will probably already be experiencing more loneliness than they imagine , for much as she may enjoy her parent 's company , she will also have a need for other friendships and contacts with the world outside the home , and these may be very difficult for her to achieve .
9 And while on the subject of Brownies , his daughter Jessica was always badgering him to let her join , and he would be very glad for her to become one of Heather 's and Shirley 's Pack and learn how to Lend a Hand in the same way that they had .
10 She is in shock and in pain and requires an immediate transfusion of love and an injection of strength in the form of your quiet sympathy and understanding , and practical help with all the arrangements she has to make , as well as assistance with the simple routines of daily living ; for even these may be too much for her to cope with alone while she is engaged in the important and necessary task of grieving .
11 If she were still in Britain , it would be too late for her to say much in time for morning editions .
12 By the time she was discovered , it would be too late for her to catch the plane .
13 Since Rita has been sent to Coventry , she has not been told that it is physically possible for her to open up the incubator herself and put her hands in .
14 It is not practical for her to travel to Alton for the hearing of her case , and I believe that genuine hardship is going to result . ’
15 Quite sparky , she copes well under pressure , but it is not unknown for her to lose her temper .
16 But it is not unusual for her to show her feelings and lose her temper .
17 It may mean a 5 a.m. start from the country if she is to have her regular swim before going into the office , but if she is going to see WHS in Swindon or Heathcote in Warwick , it is more convenient for her to stay in Gloucestershire than to come back to London .
18 If she is a good woman of business , it is sometimes possible for her to let her rooms advantageously …
19 ‘ Natasha 's aunt is absolutely happy for her to stay with us and is desperately trying to get some information about her for me .
20 By moving away from his first mate , the male prevents the female from assessing his true status until it is too late for her to do anything about it .
21 That 's very nice of her to write that .
22 That 's very nice of her to write
23 ‘ There 's no bus , and even if she had a bike it 's too far for her to ride both ways . ’
24 It 's too heavy for her to carry , so she pulls it to pieces with her beak , holding it tightly in her talons .
25 If it 's too painful for her to accept that I want to look for Elaine , then I sha n't . ’
26 Why had she felt so — so vulnerable , so edgy with him , that , when Cara was so desperate for her to do that interview , she had by her uppity manner just about said goodbye to all chance of that .
27 It was so unusual for her to move out of her own domain .
28 It was obviously good of her to have given up an afternoon — perhaps a precious afternoon in these days when all time was precious — ‘ to come from afar to open the bazaar ’ .
29 It was just possible for her to see a suggestion of light at the spy hole , set like a marble in the wall .
30 And she was not a vandal , it was not natural to her to destroy things .
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