Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In caves and hill-strongholds the legend has persisted of the Lost Prince , Igor Fedorovitch , said to have survived the assassination of his father ; and it is mainly among ‘ simple , pastoral folk ’ that the Forgers of the Sword have been slowly gathering support for the restoration of the rightful king , after his existence and identity have been discovered .
2 Solar energy is produced by the thermonuclear reactions which are constantly taking place in the sun which has a temperature of 20 million degrees centigrade .
3 Recently , it was found that a mentally handicapped woman in Durham had been wrongly denied benefit for a number of years and that the cumulative total was £25,000 .
4 After R. v. Samuel the police underwent a painful education , as a series of people charged with serious crimes on the basis of admissions went free because they had been wrongly denied access to a solicitor .
5 I am only using jumping as an example .
6 ‘ I am merely chopping firewood in the salon and beating my mistress like a gentleman . ’
7 There has been much damning comment about the state of the British film industry , and much positive talk of Hollywood County Wicklow , but is it merely a case of British film-makers relocating ?
8 ( If you are only using part of the bean mix at one time , the remainder will keep , covered , for 2–3 days in the refrigerator . )
9 Most certainly and if you do you will be saving money because with First National you are only charged interest on the amount you owe , calculated on a day-to-day basis .
10 A Most certainly and if you do you will be saving money because with First National you are only charged interest on the amount you owe , calculated on a day-to-day basis .
11 Nevertheless , unfairly dismissed employees are only awarded re-employment in a very small minority of cases .
12 Thirst is a more imperative drive , intruding into dreams even when the subjects know full well that they are merely taking part in an experiment , and that water will be available in the morning .
13 Will he also point out to those advocating such a foolish policy that they are merely diverting attention from the villainous crimes of the terrorists and , perhaps more importantly , from the enormous successes of the security forces and thus undermining confidence in the rule of law ?
14 Fragile and heavy garments are best stored flat on a dust-free shelf or , ideally , in an acid-free cardboard box .
15 I am not advocating thrombolysis in the absence of that , but provided that is available and he keeps his head and the family respect the GP , then he should be giving thrombolysis .
16 Remembering that I am not defining housewife as a woman dancing attendance on a healthy but indolent male but as a person looking after babies and others who need looking after , what do feminists think the housewife should live on ?
17 In saying ‘ Do such-and-such ’ I am not giving expression to a belief .
18 The inclusion of the notion of subjectivity in the above definition might seem surprising here , but I am not equating deixis with a concept that stands in rough opposition to objectivity .
19 It has never been the case that central Government would indemnify local authorities for expenditure when they are already given money through the revenue support grant to enable them to undertake their responsibilities , and that is not a way forward .
20 The locals are already trading gossip about the hundreds of youngsters packing the beach .
21 In particular it seems that members in the UK are not taking advantage of the scheme to the same extent as members in Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland .
22 Members in Northern Ireland are not taking advantage of the savings available on Homecover to anything like the same extent as members in the Republic of Ireland and Great Britain .
23 Teenagers like to experiment and to feel rebellious , and problems can arise if they are not given guidance in the use of alcohol .
24 ‘ We are not providing food in a normal environment , ’ he says .
25 Evidence of this kind is , however , essential if community care practitioners in the world of purchasing and providing , assessment and care management are not to lose sight of the fact that the consumer may award the quality kitemark as much for the professional who has time to listen , as for the streamlined meals service .
26 Disorganized capitalism remains capitalism , and they make it clear that they are not bidding farewell to the working class .
27 Can my right hon. Friend confirm that our European partners are not losing sight of the need to make the European Commission democratically accountable , any more than they are losing sight of the need to conform to the European Commission directives that we scrupulously honour ?
28 It will be said that we are not doing justice to the viewpoint of the opposing group .
29 Rather than investing in a filter , it may be better to use bottled water if you are just avoiding tap-water for a few weeks .
30 Any intuitions we may have about Anderson 's loquacity and the way in which it is affected by the events of the play are thus lent support by the results of tabulating the distribution of long turns .
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