Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] that [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Although it had been widely reported that he had made a full confession during pre-trial questioning , in court Watanabe maintained that " there is no truth " in the reports that he had paid politicians .
2 ‘ They are obviously regretting that they let her start the paper round , but there seemed to be no reason for them to object to it . ’
3 I am only suggesting that you take a little time off , shall we say , until you are quite well again ? "
4 The performances on this new disc are first-rate ; indeed they are so polished that I found myself occasionally longing for something with a little more humanity and which more faithfully reflected what were in all probability the more rough-and-ready sounds of the Kürbs-Hütte clientele .
5 We also need Government investment to back up the youth services , teachers and parents so that the next generation of youngsters does not include a minority whose self-discipline , self-esteem and respect for their own future are so lacking that they get kicks from racing stolen cars or lobbing bottles at the police .
6 Their calls are also very intricate , and the sounds of some of them , the young , sexually mature humpback males , are so haunting that they have become a best-selling record .
7 Some have been toppled , and some are so eroded that they appear to be nothing more than wind-scoured boulders .
8 In fact , these two warts are so enlarged that they look like long swellings behind the animal 's eyes , covered with pores through which the poison seeps .
9 ‘ I hope you are so humiliated that you commit suicide . ’
10 Some people have average abilities , but are so driven that they get their way .
11 Artificial languages have been constructed for which it is possible to ascribe unique , non-zero probabilities to generalizations , but the languages are so restricted that they contain no universal generalizations .
12 Indeed West German satellite companies are so stong that one bought exclusive German rights to Wimbledon this year , just as a similar Swedish company did there , each denying the traditional terrestrial stations access .
13 I am greatly touched that she thinks of me and remembers me even in the state of forgetfulness of human affairs in which she now finds herself .
14 As he had passed her in the little hall this morning a tendril of her silky black hair had brushed his ruined cheek , and the smell of it had been so distracting that he had feared for his composure .
15 Live the natural way : No , I am not suggesting that you return to some sort of Tarzan and Jane existence , simply that you try and reduce your dependence on those mechanical things which sometimes seem to threaten to take over our lives .
16 I am not suggesting that you take this model too seriously .
17 I am not suggesting that you throw extravagant dinner parties every night when I advocate entertaining .
18 I am not suggesting that he arrives at the meaning of Truth as the result of philosophical or metaphysical speculation in a vacuum .
19 I am not saying that there has not been considerable support for it , and he can report that to the House .
20 I am just saying that we have no other alternative .
21 Several other counties are already regretting that he slipped through the net .
22 Right so you 're only ask that you did n't underline and that your illustrations could be better as well and the handwriting is a bit spidery , right , good , brave , right , go on
23 an awful lot from teachers , you know , we 're just expecting that they know everything about sex education .
24 So all I 'm saying is , if we 're not achieving that we need to go back and look at the way in which we 're operating the fax service , have a chat with erm Phil 's people or Jackie 's peo see if there 's any differences that we can take advantage of .
25 ‘ You 're not suggesting that what happened to me this morning was attempted murder , are you ?
26 Surely you 're not suggesting that they had anything to do with his death ? ’
27 You 're not forgetting that I called you before that time myself , and you told me Bonanza had taken the girl away somewhere ? ’
28 So we 're not proposing that you turn off the mainframe on Friday and turn on your Unix or open systems machines with your database on it on Monday .
29 So we 're not proposing that you turn off the mainframe on Friday and turn on open systems on Monday .
30 you 're not feeling that you 've got lots of little isolated subjects and lots of little isolated topics and it 's all building up and it 's all a lot it is a lot ,
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