Example sentences of "be [adv] [noun] [vb past] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It sounds sufficiently tedious in an English public school fashion , an effect compounded by a little book of mock verses , Noctes Binanianae , composed mainly in the summer and autumn of 1937 ; it was privately printed and announced as " Certain Voluntary and Satyrical Verses and Compliments as were lately Exchang 'd between some of the Choicest Wits of the Age " .
2 Chairman I must respond to that , that the work secret road is not appraise donated to this organization , I think it 's one latched onto by the press to develop some headline , er nobody 's ever used that phrase about anything being secret in this organization whatsoever , the simple fact is that these drawings for your approval are not yet finished , that 's the extent of secrecy , my staff are still working on them , they 'll come
3 Oh no this is n't drug induced at all is it !
4 So that 's how things stood in those year in the the days before nineteen sixty nine and I in fact did learn about removals in the late sixties .
5 Yes , just a little place and that 's where Mr started in that one and then he moved into there when that went empty .
6 Was n't Broderick worried about this ?
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