Example sentences of "be [pron] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It made her feel that he did n't mind everyone knowing she was his girlfriend , and he was really sweet to her in bed , told her she had lovely hair and said she must never , ever cut it , it was so beautiful , and then he began to talk about Therese , saying how cruel it was that he had carried the company all these years and now , just because she was the Direktor 's favourite — he snorted at this point and said he really did believe Therese must have been old Franz 's mistress years ago in Vienna — he was being treated like a pariah , no consideration , everyone being rude and unkind to him , Therese allowed to do just what she liked on the stage even though she 'd been no-one before she came to Hochhauser .
2 We 're nothing , of ourselves we might have thought we had but it was of no value whatsoever , but he took us , he says , now you 're something because you belong to me .
3 Well-informed on Cnut 's doings , and a valuable source on his dealings with the pope and the German emperor in Rome and his Scandinavian wars , it is similar to Wulfstan 's material in ordering intolerance of injustice and prompt payment of church dues , but can not be his as he died in 1023 .
4 If we find cognisance flourishing where there is a set of actions as restricted as those of Christy Nolan 's , then how can reality be something that we posit as the limits of action : in this case a poor actor should have a correspondingly poor grasp of the real .
5 but it , but it maybe , it it would seem to me if that is a consideration of yours , that might be something that you reflect upon in y in your report , but it is it is not a necessary er requirement that , er that be part and parcel of this particular E I P .
6 would n't be us cos we went to the
7 Where were you when you died on me ?
8 ‘ Miss Eyre , ’ continued Mr Rochester , ‘ how old were you when you started at Lowood ? ’
9 ‘ How old were you when you arrived in Italy ? ’
10 How old were you when you moved into Street in Palfry ?
11 Oh and when , how old were you when you moved in there ?
12 ‘ So where were you when I got to the house ?
13 Were you and I walking on clouds , we 'd be upsides with them . ’
14 Similarly , the heat of a material thing being something that we feel with some part of our body , what can someone mean who says that he perceives the heat of something directly ?
15 And we when how old were they when we went to Whitley for a holiday ?
16 The solution is which if we substitute for a , b , c and d from the matrix ( Figure 7.3 ) reduce to p = W÷D .
17 Er clearly when we have got that situation , we do n't just simply put the numbers in and press the button and you get the answer out at the end , er the people who er did this for us at the time , er are professional er transportation consultants er and given that the key er one of the key outputs from this model was the effect of a er a bypass , then this is something that we looked at in in some detail as well as er the actual effects that the model was putting out .
18 I appreciate obviously tonight we have are not not gon na carried today but nonetheless it is something that we believe in very firmly and I hope we have the opportunity to try and persuade you otherwise at some other time .
19 But it is something that you recognize as a problem ?
20 Conversely , people think that myocardial infarction is something that you die from , quite rightly , and therefore most believe that " it is not going to happen to me " .
21 Erm internment is something that you believe in .
22 It can provide a precis only where the topic is something that it knows about , so that it has some sense of what conceptual relationships to expect in the story .
23 A major change is one that we make to your holiday arrangements before departure , that involves changing your UK airport(s) , resort area or time of departure or return by more than twelve hours or a change of accommodation to a Club not featured in this brochure .
24 The application to the local community is one that I put as a challenge to all : How can we help people to take seriously membership in the Eucharistic community of faith ?
25 The second fact issued before us and it 's one that I referred to er when we did it , debated this last time is that if members do take seriously the whole question of
26 It 's something that we regard as an interesting development .
27 My audition for Leeds was a sight reading job and it 's something that you get from drama training — work that helps you cope with the sight reading at an audition — yes .
28 yeah , that 's right , there 's nowt worse than being jiggered though is there when you get to your apartment
29 he had , he had a definite attitude problem so they said they would relieve him of his contract oh that 's fair enough , they 're paying you good money and they expect you to work hard and that 's it but we finish at one o'clock next term
30 She now twisted round and stretched her feet outward across the rug , saying , ‘ How many years ago is it since we sat like this , Charles ? ’
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