Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv prt] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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31 Whilst they were appearing in Up With the Lark at the Adelphi Theatre , they coped admirably with their filming schedule but were furious when Sickert produced a picture of them called High Steppers .
32 Does my right hon. Friend accept that we returned with an impression of economic chaos — and the impression that , although aid from this country and others is welcomed , it is feared that too much is being siphoned off on to the black market ?
33 As she looked down from the stand , the horses for the third race , a handicap over six furlongs , were filing out on to the racecourse .
34 As it happened , the entire episode was resolved after The Smiths decided to repoen communications with the label and a somewhat confused Easterhouse were invited back on to the Scottish tour .
35 Three were dragged back on to the train and taken by the scruff of the neck from station to police car .
36 Three were dragged back on to the train and taken by the scruff of the neck from station to police car .
37 They 'd finished their show and were coming back down to the damp and squalid cellar the management refused to redecorate because of its ‘ classic atmosphere ’ .
38 The former Benson gate guard Spitfire PR.XIX PM651 will return to St Athan and be placed in storage along with the remaining Spitfires that were brought in out of the cold some time ago .
39 Eventually we were taken up out of the cells and charged .
40 He had remembered having seen , that first day , some goats grazing further on down the river bank , had made some inquiries and discovered that they were taken down on to the river bed every morning by a boy who acted as herd .
41 In female flowers , the flies are wedged in tightly , the thorax pollen being rubbed off on to the stigma .
42 Easter Day 1945 found him in the darkness of a cattle truck in a German railway tunnel ; there was a true resurrection moment when prisoners were allowed out in to the sunshine and flowers of the railway cutting .
43 The notion that patients are being thrown out on to the street is not borne out , ’ he said .
44 She could hear the clatter of iron shutters being cranked up over at the amusement arcades .
45 The glasses and the bottle of wine were slammed back down on the bedside table and then his hand around her wrist was a shock .
46 The roof drainage should be able to take water away quickly and cleanly without obstruction , and therefore eaves tiles should discharge neatly into gutters without water being blown back on to the wall or woodwork .
47 In the Columbia River area of the western U.S.A. where most of the lavas were erupted about twenty million years ago , such vast amounts of basalt were poured out on to the surface that hills 1,500 metres high were drowned in lava !
48 The only way I can get across is to jump down on to the track again .
49 The use of this experimental design can not exclude the possibility that Ac-ASA is pushed back out of the cell after its uptake , as a small excretion rate could not be detected in the presence of such large extracellular quantities .
50 The A six six five eight if you look at the the bottom of the two roads , it 's the one on the left which is going on down off the plan .
51 So waits now as Lawrence comes up and bowls to him and this , oooh off the edge and that 's going down up towards the third man , going over the ropes down the far end and and that 's one boundary there off the edge at one hundred and thirteen for four , Lawrence wo n't be to happy about that , but it happens to all fast bowlers .
52 Before doing so I should say by way of parenthesis that I have totally bypassed the colleagues who are currently members of the Government , several of whom suggested privately that they would resign if the Maastricht bill or anything like it is brought back on to the floor of the House of Commons .
53 What is actually happening of course we know in that case what is actually happening , because nerves erm er neurones in , in the base of the brain are actually sampling the blood flow as it goes through with sugar level and when the sugar level drops to a critical point , some of those neurones start to fire and as they fire gradually the message is passed on up to the higher brain centres and eventually you get the feeling you 're hungry .
54 I can understand why John was overexcited by New York , where , at night , life and all its colour and reflection is folded out on to the street , and not shut in and huddled , behind the glow of windows .
55 Even though your aim is to get back up with the pace , using the matches as learning experience , it 's still a very daunting programme .
56 YOU FAT BASTAD ! ’ as a stage diver is thrown back on to the stage and Carl , who has removed his glasses in a rare moment of vanity , gets out of the way by blundering blindly into the snare drum .
57 In about 20 seconds , to thunderous applause , I am to step out on to the huge sweeping stairs , each one lit with a different colour for my famous Georges Guetary pastiche from An American In Paris , Stairway to Paradise .
58 The new Chaplain had done a lot of good work and was given back up by the other Chaplains .
59 He heard a gasp from the crowd of people gathered below , he seemed to hang forever in mid-air and then , miraculously , he was crashing down on to the opposite roof .
60 As she was pressed back on to the couch her mind raced madly in protest , but all she managed to bring out in a kind of croak was , ‘ No , Daddy , no . ’
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