Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv prt] [prep] the government " in BNC.

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1 Despite the pressure which has been building up on the government in recent months , including growing dissent within her own party , she reiterated her old misgivings about the monetary system and added a new one for good measure .
2 Despite the pressure which has been building up on the government in recent months , including growing dissent within her own party , she reiterated her old misgivings about the monetary system and added a new one for good measure .
3 As of late July both camps were surrounded by army units and Murr insisted that the blockade would continue until all heavy and medium-calibre weaponry had been turned over to the government .
4 ( The six-county state of Northern Ireland had been set up under the Government of Ireland Act , 1920 ) .
5 Negotiations were said to have been set up between the government and Gen. Jorge Ballerino , one of Pinochet 's close advisers , to negotiate terms .
6 Fontaine had made known his intention to give evidence to the new National Commission for Truth and Reconciliation , which had been set up by the government on April 25 to investigate human right violations under the Pinochet regime .
7 These talks , boycotted or disrupted by the employers and unions since their initiation , had been set up by the government on Sept. 20 following widespread unrest in May and July [ see pp. 37450 ; 37607 ] .
8 Losing Out maintains that the widening of class differences along a whole front has largely been brought about by the Government 's ‘ success , in redistributing income and wealth towards the haves to the exclusion of the have-nots , and that this widening of class differences is playing a crucial role in the emergence of an underclass in Britain .
9 That is part of Northern regional health authority 's largest-ever capital investment , and it has been brought about by the Government .
10 The publication of the General Theory before the war was part of Keynes 's campaign to persuade his fellow economists that his proposition — that the trade cycle could be ironed out by the government adjusting the volume of demand in the economy — was correct .
11 Certification of safety or quality need not be carried out by the government .
12 Will he also condemn the scandalous proposal that when the PSA is privatised , up to £85 million of taxpayers ' money should be handed over by the Government to Tarmac , which will take it over , so that any proposed redundancies of men and women in the PSA will be paid not by the privatising company but by the taxpayer ?
13 Addressing concerns expressed about the problem of lawlessness in some parts of the country which was deterring some businessmen from expanding their operations , Khan reassured them that a special force would be set up by the government specifically to protect oil installations .
14 AN INDEPENDENT inquiry must be set up by the government to examine the risks of brain injury in boxing , doctors ' leaders said today .
15 He declined to postpone his visit to Argentina , expressing confidence that a military rebellion which had begun there on Dec. 3 [ see p. 37913 ] would be put down by the government of President Carlos Saúl Menem , whom he thanked for sending two Argentinian frigates to the Gulf .
16 I hope that this debate will be about the valuable contribution that Britain can make to the European community , rather than a sterile argument about whether the king 's prerogatives will be taken over by the Government and given away in the face of the people .
17 The Bill is bound to be extensively amended before it reaches the statute book — at the time of writing 16 , amendments have been put down by the Government and 25 of them are of major importance — but it is believed that few if any of these amendments will affect settlements under which there is subsisting an interest in possession .
18 But their bid has been knocked back by the Government which claimed their independent valuation was only about half the real value .
19 The savings are taken up by the government in the form of higher taxes and transferred to the redundant workers .
20 The first official post after September 3rd confirmed what we were told might happen , we were no more members of the London County Council staff , but had been taken over by the government and were to be known as part of the Emergency Medical Service .
21 In April a Sejm-appointed commission investigating the assets of the former PUWP and its allies revealed that some 1,866 of the PUWP 's 1900 buildings had been taken over by the government .
22 But negotiations were broken off by the government on 3 May once the compositors at the Daily Mail refused to set the type for an editorial on ‘ For King and Country ’ .
23 TEACHERS of young children are being looked on by the Government as ‘ not a lot more than well-disciplined child-minders , ’ a senior Belfast education adviser claimed today .
24 Investment criteria that are applied as a matter of course to every other company are in danger of being abandoned completely as the institutions face the prospect of being sucked in by the Government 's subtle propaganda .
25 The Christian Democrats got only 38.7% of the vote , against 45.1% four years ago , and are being booted out of the government for the first time since the state was founded 45 years ago .
26 The Campaign for Real Yorkshire has been set up because of the imminent review of local government structures in the county being carried out by the Government 's Local Government Commission .
27 The Campaign for Real Yorkshire has been set up because of the imminent review of local government structures in the county , being carried out by the Government 's Local Government Commission .
28 Substantial debts were written off by the Government during the change
29 NVA barracks and training areas were being handed over to the government for civilian use as rapidly as possible .
30 On 16th December 1991 , the building societies and bank bosses were called in by the Government for an emergency briefing and were told to come back in two days with solutions .
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