Example sentences of "be [verb] [to-vb] into [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Second , the formulation of the Authority 's educational policies and programmes , especially those which teachers are expected to translate into day-to-day practice , should from now on be grounded in prior consultation with teachers and others , together with analysis of relevant conceptual and empirical research , and those devising such policies and programmes should be able to justify them in terms of the considerations which this process will reveal .
2 ‘ We did n't get out of second gear , ’ he said , ‘ but we are looking to get into third gear and , hopefully , top for next Saturday . ’
3 We 're keeping that one , it 's the old , really old one we 're going to put into that auction .
4 And part of the reason of course the dialect is gone is that we unconsciously sort of translate what we 're going to say into good English so that we 're understood .
5 ‘ You 're going to get into such trouble ! ’
6 You will understand that you will be required in the execution of any agreement for the purchase and sale of the company to acknowledge that you have not relied on or been induced to enter into such agreement by any representation or warranty other than expressly set forth in such agreement subject to such limitations and restrictions as may be specified therein .
7 ROWS over public spending are set to explode into open warfare at an emergency Cabinet meeting this afternoon .
8 description , because there 's no way I 'm going to go into that position again , no
9 ‘ I 'm going to tuck into some booze tonight , ’ she said .
10 You know maybe th that record of training , that actually needs to be analyzed to fit into this framework .
11 This does n't come automatically to a dyslexic person very often , and we also look at letters from left to right , but if you look at a u and then turn it upside down in your mind , you have an n , or h and y can be reversed to turn into each other , if you like , in the same way .
12 But the paper added : ‘ It is also right that people should not be forced to work into old age in jobs that may , on the one hand , impose physical or mental demands which are beyond their capacity or , on the other , be boring and repetitive . ’
13 I find it difficult to conceive how an international hospital with a high with a highly regarded professional staff can be allowed to slip into terminal decline .
14 Indeed , a good deal of children 's play , if otherwise defined , could be held to fall into this category ; and occasionally police or social workers are hard put to it to determine where the line should be drawn .
15 Within ten days , a special prosecutor had been appointed to look into criminal misconduct .
16 The storage building blocks are packaged to slide into modular shelving which can then be configured for anything from the desktop to the data centre .
17 Although he was still away fairly often , visiting the mills in Leeds and Bradford which provided the bulk of his income , he was more relaxed now that he felt that he was mastering the intricacies of the various businesses which had been allowed to slip into low productivity during his father 's ill-health .
18 For example , many old people living alone have been forced to move into residential care when experiencing a temporary crisis ( perhaps a broken hip or a mild stroke ) in the absence of suitable emergency domiciliary care .
19 It is as if Blake is taking our hand and compelling us to see what he sees : streets mapped out , chartered , known , possessing no vital life of their own but owned ; a river that has been forced to fit into this scheme , that is likewise owned , and hence deprived of some intrinsic quality that should belong to rivers .
20 People found their way round such systems by linking issues to file series based on subject , organisational provenance , or function — the Ministry of X 's file series about Y , the registered files of the Ministry of X 's Y Branch , or the Ministry of X 's files on its discharge of Act of Parliament Y. Since paper records were designed to fit into such registry systems , they carried pointers to their position within them ; file covers , file numbers , cross references to other files in the same series or related file series , and so on .
21 The preparations for the party were set to move into top gear on the Saturday morning ; Diane would have little more to do than to stand aside and watch the professionals at work .
22 To make its new technology a sure-fire success , however , Microsoft is being forced to move into new territory too .
23 Debate was confined to the purely theoretical properties of the income expenditure model in which money wages and prices were allowed to go into free fall in the presence of general unemployment .
24 ‘ I think Mike 's proposal is going to run into some opposition ’ , he says .
25 I think it 's going to sneak into each set of young people in each country .
26 Conflict is either avoided or is allowed to develop into open warfare .
27 Not that , nowadays Gordon Hamilton is allowed to fade into any sort of anonymity .
28 But ICL is determined to break into this market , and with the introduction of its Zeno range , it looks likely to succeed .
29 Information relating to customers , prices , technology and business methods have been held to fall into this category ( see the discussion of Faccenda Chicken v Fowler [ 1985 ] 1 All ER 724 in Chapter 8 and see Printers & Finishers Ltd v Holloway [ 1965 ] 1 WLR 1 , and Stevenson Jordan & Harrison Ltd v MacDonald & Evans ( 1952 ) 69 RPC 10 ) .
30 A study was made of various options for the future of the laboratory and it was decided to diversify into commercial work of both a non-nuclear and an applied nuclear nature .
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