Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv] [to-vb] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Many of the newer bodies have been formed specifically to develop and implement occupational standards for their sector and , as might be expected , these bodies have established different ways of undertaking this key task .
2 Moorlake is much too big for her and it 's been going steadily to rack and ruin for years .
3 NAG has been used extensively to identify and monitor potentially nephrotoxic drugs , its excretion increases in a dose dependent manner following the ingestion of aspirin and sodium salicylate and high concentrations are found in patients with established analgesic nephropathy .
4 He then goes on erm going on from that , going on from say commercialization , increased commercialization erm that there 's an effort to build more roads and repairing and that basically there seems to be a picture that the peasants are getting together to try and improve their own lot .
5 They have been known both to help and to hurt the desert people .
6 A steering group had been brought together to advise and support the development of the project , but all the members were non-disabled professionals from a number of organisations including social services departments , the health authority and voluntary organisations .
7 And who but two women like that would be pigheaded enough to try and run a restaurant there ? ’
8 Morrison 's solicitor commented that the decision was ‘ outrageous ’ , and that an appeal would be lodged immediately to try and save the two-and-a-half-year-old dog .
9 The objective of this research is to produce PROBS , a shorthand notation which can be used economically to record and analyse both the interpersonal and intrapersonal intellectual transactions which take place in classrooms where problem solving is taught .
10 The therapeutic centre may be used typically to observe and monitor families which are not functioning well and to teach adequate parenting skills where these are lacking .
11 Their pupils could be learning either to duck and cover again or to stop worrying and live with the bomb .
12 It was announced that HCIMA and Kennedy Woodward Allen , London based chartered surveyors and architects , would be working together to advise and assist HCIMA members on matters of property and construction , as part of the association 's membership services programme .
13 A number of solutions have been put forward to try and overcome this problem .
14 His Figures of Plants were appearing periodically to amplify and embellish his writing , the very successful Abridgement had reached its fourth edition and the Garden Kalender its tenth .
15 At once both prisoners were made forcibly to kneel and lower their heads .
16 Several methods were used both to promote and to check on data quality .
17 ‘ Experts ’ from a variety of European agencies were brought together to discuss and report on the various cross-cultural attitudes to drug-taking among young people .
18 Further , in the case of Australia , employers ' associations were established partly to counter and present a united front against the rapid expansion of trade unions ( Ford , 1980 ) .
19 Washing is prescribed both to prevent and sterilize infection .
20 It is presented primarily to inform and stimulate debate and it therefore adopts a style which is unusual in this journal .
21 ‘ I am working hard to try and build on this and so far we have about 16 corporate members .
22 Four unions representing workers in the health and public services are working together to re-evaluate and up-grade so-called ‘ women 's ’ jobs , thus moving towards equal pay ( Guardian , 1986 , 1987 ) .
23 A significant focus for the controversy was the theatre , which , like the transvestite , was seen both to epitomize and to promote contemporary forces of disruption in and through its involvement with cross-dressing .
24 Within this year 's operational costs , some £62 million was set aside to reshape and restructure AEA to enable us to develop as a successful commercial business .
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