Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] [det] to be " in BNC.

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1 The price to urban consumers of bearing the losses incurred ( probably of the order of 2 per cent of their bills ) would have been considered by many to be an acceptable concession to the aspirations of country dwellers , and perhaps few would have endorsed the complaint by a contemporary free-market economist that ‘ a slum dweller has to contribute to the cost of providing electricity for a country mansion ’ .
2 Tracker 's Aggro trucks are considered by many to be the ‘ right on ’ truck at the moment .
3 I have described these studies in detail because they are considered by many to be the best evidence for sophisticated residual pattern vision after visual cortex ablation .
4 To some extent , therefore , A level art/design classes offered by the schools are in competition with foundation courses offered by art colleges ; however , the two are not strictly comparable in that the former are considered by many to be less suitable as pre-entry training for higher level courses in that their diagnostic value is much less than that of foundation courses .
5 This has proved so popular that arrangements have been made for this to be included in the admission price to the Centre .
6 The Commission accept that both the 1968 and 1978 Theft Acts and the case law on them are thought by some to be " seriously defective " , but the draft Code was a restatement not a Code to reform the substance of the law .
7 Major was perplexed that his niceness should be considered by some to be an electoral disadvantage .
8 This may be considered by some to be an invitation to explore the issue of whether the switching-off is an act or an omission ; for if it is an act , it may be an abetment .
9 However , the introduction of proposals which structurally divorce the providers of services from wider population considerations , may be considered by some to be a retrograde step and , in practice , may affect the type of care delivered .
10 This condition ought to be seen by all to be quite ridiculous and unacceptable , but it is all too common .
11 The number of synonyms resulting from this process should be compared with those to be expected from perfect randomization ; see p. 166 for methods of doing this .
12 The " days " are taken by some to be periods of time .
13 The transfer payments of the Poor Law — finally abolished and transformed into the ‘ Welfare State ’ in 1948 — were considered by many to be an intolerable burden .
14 There was an analogy here with Darwinian biology , where the species at a given time were real interbreeding units though they were all supposed to be descendants of one primitive form ; similarly the chemical elements were supposed by many to be all ‘ descendants ’ or polymers of hydrogen or helium , and therefore not truly simple bodies , although in ordinary chemical processes they could not be transformed one into another .
15 These was felt to be an excessive use in the Act of phrases such as ‘ consult ’ , ‘ challenge ’ , ‘ take note of ’ and ‘ reasonable ’ , which were thought by many to be vague and open to interpretation .
16 The riots in 1981 and 1985 were thought by some to be a product of racial tension .
17 Even then it appears to have caused something of a religious furore , being declared by some to be a fake and by others to be the true Shroud .
18 In the south of England many village names are found ending with -ing , -ingham etc. this being suggested by some to be a genitive name of the early leaders , so for Halling this becomes Halls land , Heall land .
19 His Call to the Unconverted is considered by many to be the greatest work on conversion ever written .
20 Now , some ten years later , the airfield is bulging at the seams and is considered by many to be the warbird centre of Europe .
21 The earlier Count and Add software is considered by many to be one of the best first maths programs for youngsters , and much care appears to have be spent on this new version .
22 It is precisely the ‘ business culture ’ introduced and propagated by the TNCs that is considered by many to be the sine qua non for ‘ modernization ’ ( as opposed to ‘ dependency reversal ’ or radical ‘ development ’ ) in the Third World .
23 Its horns are lyre-shaped and it is considered by some to be the ancestor of the Guernsey .
24 Other candidates proposed have included Nicholas Turner of the British Museum , Andrew Robison of the National Gallery , Washington , Marguerite Stuffmann of the Städelsches Kunstinstitut , Frankfurt ( Goldner 's suggestion to the Met ) , Gandolfi expert Mimi Cazort of the National Gallery of Canada , and Bean 's own assistant curator , William M. Griswold , whose youth is considered by some to be a liability .
25 It is said by some to be more tiring physically than a paid job , by others to be less tiring : some women say it takes a greater emotional toll , others that the drain is less than other work .
26 While CD-I has remained a promise for more than four years , Commodore has used existing technology to produce a consumer multimedia system that is seen by many to be a serious competitor for CD-I .
27 ‘ Acid rain ’ is reckoned by many to be caused when the gases from fossil-fuelled power stations , oil refineries , car exhausts , smelters and factories — sulphur dioxide and the nitrogen oxides — combine in the atmosphere with moisture to form sulphuric and nitric acids .
28 This well strange song from Young 's great ‘ Ragged Glory ’ LP is reckoned by many to be an oblique nod in the direction of Charlie .
29 They applied the well established ploy of neutralising the troublemaker by proposing him for the position of chairman , where he is obliged above all to be impartial .
30 Hence , reviewing is felt by some to be very much a test of wills .
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