Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] be [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Both brushes and foam can also take on a partial biofiltering role , but if they are intended to be a mechanical filter , they should be cleaned before they clog .
2 These are intended to be a cheap , quick and informal way for customers to resolve disputes .
3 Lunchtimes at the Victoria Centre are intended to be a communal affair but at the Delphi Centre they are strikingly different .
4 The recent introduction of pilot one-stop-shops , which are intended to be the main local point of access to and promotion of all DTI services , and the diagnostic and consultancy brokerage services which are being developed to succeed the Consultancy Initiatives , will play a key role in helping firms , in particular smaller firms , to access the technology which they need as part of their business and marketing plans .
5 Benefit cuts are expected to be a critical part of the autumn public spending statement to be made by Chancellor Norman Lamont next week .
6 RIG owners are expected to be the main losers from oil tax changes announced in the Budget , according to a study issued yesterday by the Edinburgh energy consultants , Wood Mackenzie .
7 Local authority general services — mainly district functions like refuse collection and disposal , recreation , tourism and the countryside , as well as functions shared with regions like industrial development — are expected to be the main beneficiaries of the extra money from the EC .
8 If we had won all the Tests but lost all the one-dayers , then it would have been considered to be a successful trip . ’
9 An unemployment rate well in excess of what had hitherto been considered to be a stable NAIRU was failing to produce sustained reductions in the rate of inflation beyond the initial impact effect of the fall in aggregate demand .
10 The electricity industry had always been considered to be a natural monopoly and plans to privatise it were preceded by lengthy discussions about the ideal structure for the industry .
11 Who should inspect the schools for councils but ex-teachers , because they are deemed to be the only people properly qualified ?
12 It also provides that after six months , unsolicited goods are deemed to be an unconditional gift to the recipient .
13 Although our sexual practices are considered to be a low risk for HIV transmission , being a lesbian does not provide immunity from HIV .
14 The computer-enhanced pictures are considered to be a vast improvement on the old photo-fit style in terms of clarity , and detectives are hoping the men will come forward quickly .
15 Birthtales looks forward to the day when these female experiences are considered to be a valid subjects for inclusion in galleries .
16 The approach of the Commission as described in the Directive takes into account the fact that , in general , takeovers are considered to be a positive phenomenon .
17 As to the artists themselves , they will be able to take out of the country an unlimited number of their works unless , of course , they are considered to be an integral part of the national heritage .
18 Since 1948 , for example , the elderly have no longer been deemed to be the financial responsibility of their adult children or grandchildren .
19 Family budgets are seen to be a private settlement of accounts between men and women , men 's unequal distribution of working-class incomes within their households is a right they fought for within the working-class movement and it is not yet susceptible to public political pressure within the movement .
20 Illustrations are seen to be a motivating factor for poor readers , but they are otherwise considered to be a distraction and ‘ do not themselves make the reading level of the prose any lower ’ ( ibid .
21 That we are courteous , efficient , and we are seen to be a caring organisation .
22 House sites are seen to be a scarce resource , by both Shetlanders and incomers , basically because the amount of sites given planning permission by the local authority is ever decreasing .
23 Gender factors are seen to be an integral part of mental illness in women and a woman 's limited resources are often a significant factor in her ability to extricate herself from oppressive , unsupportive environments .
24 Women are under more ideological pressure to maintain a perfect home in owner-occupied property , where standards are seen to be the individual responsibility of the owners , rather than being outside a tenant 's control as in rented property , although of course women in all forms of accommodation are subjected to these pressures .
25 Thus irreducible elements are seen to be the fundamental building blocks with respect to multiplication for the system Z.
26 The extent to which they are felt to be a big deal for the pupils will mirror the extent to which they are felt to be a big deal by their teachers .
27 The extent to which they are felt to be a big deal for the pupils will mirror the extent to which they are felt to be a big deal by their teachers .
28 This leads inevitably to great simplification or stylization , and , at the same time , to a clarification and accentuation of what are felt to be the significant features or details of the object depicted .
29 It has been said to be a fundamental contradiction in the Weberian model of bureaucracy .
30 This is despite a major reduction in the proportion of calls performed by deputising services , the use of which had been said to be the main factor increasing the numbers of night visits .
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