Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] the [noun] is " in BNC.

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1 Bray has always been proud of its association with Dargan and the weekend seminar which has been organised by the Council is an attempt to honour this great man and it is hoped that it will become an annual event .
2 The way that this has been done in the past is the subject of the next chapter ; the way that it might be done in the future is the justification for this book .
3 Where terms are contained or referred to in an unsigned document , the question whether or not they are incorporated into the contract is one of fact .
4 The only discovery which has definitely not been incorporated in the project is the dreaded tawse once used to beat the wayward .
5 It has also focused attention on the law governing pupil discipline at a time when interest in analysing the extent to which the autonomy interests of children are upheld by the law is high .
6 Part of the reason that they 're living on the streets is because of the financing of a foreign debt .
7 If you 're describing on the left is the mayor and on the right is something else , make sure it 's viewed from the front of the photograph
8 I mean what they 're considering at the moment is making Trumpton into a live-section , full-blown Broadway show , with perhaps a major star playing the train driver .
9 What we 're saying on the whole is that we , we are moving south erm militarily we , we now control most of north China , we begin to move on to the into areas of very high tenancy where landlordism was thought to be at its extreme but all we 're doing is reducing rents and interest rents .
10 Now all they have time to do when they 're working on the site is to put them in the trays and wash them .
11 Another kind of answer that has been offered to the dilemma is the following .
12 Nevertheless , the director of quality for the new Anglian Water plc , Peter Matthews , told the press , ‘ I can assure all our consumers that the water we are providing from the reservoir is absolutely safe to drink . ’
13 The pastoral work of the church can not be done without adequate financial support and I am afraid the support we are getting at the moment is simply not enough for all we are doing . ’
14 I am not rejecting the idea of Jesus being my representative — all I am doing at the moment is to point out some difficulties with it when it is considered as the central idea in the atonement theory .
15 Comrades , what we are asking of the Party is quite simple , the extension of democracy .
16 What the Government are doing about the inspectorate is extremely foolish and flies in the face of its proud history .
17 So the ideas are still very meaningful in our world , but what we are saying about the cross is this : that in this particular way and through this particular person , God chose to redeem humankind .
18 Mr MacGregor 's avoided one collision with his back benchers , but when they realize the bills cost and consider how B R 's been dealt with the question is , will they think again ?
19 ‘ While we would hope the money we are spending at the moment is proving to be cost-effective , at the end of the day electronic security is really only buying time , ’ said Mr Banks .
20 One more important aspect of using LIFESPAN which should be explained at the outset is that every module must have a charge code associated with it .
21 Recall from Chapter 12 that an allowance has to be made for the fact that a given sum of money to be received in the future is worth less than the same sum received now .
22 The total number of ways in which the molecule can be placed on the lattice is then
23 The procedure whereby the pre-emptive offer is to be communicated to the shareholders is laid down in section 90 .
24 I propose that a useful point to be considered by the doctor is whether a treatment would be clinically indicated for a private patient with unlimited personal resources .
25 One of the issues that has to be addressed in the assessment is what balance is appropriate between the freedom of the sufferer to pursue his or her own life in his or her own way , and the possible result of that freedom which may lead to damage to themselves or others .
26 The only people who seem to be excused from the privatization is the senior management executives .
27 Admittedly , the net pay that could be expected in the carbonates is relatively small , ( perhaps only 10–20 m ) and therefore the potential reserves that could be expected might only be in the order of 10–50 Bcf .
28 A further line of argument which may be pursued against the declaration is that , according to Catholic theology , the power of orders lies in the soul , which is the same for both sexes , and not the body .
29 Chelsea skipper Andy Townsend , who scored the winning goal against Everton , insists : ‘ The fact that some players struggle to be picked for the reserves is an indication of our depth .
30 Another way in which controlled entry may be made to the supervisor is by means of extracodes , which were first used on the University of Manchester Atlas computer ( Sumner , Haley , and Chen 1962 ) .
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