Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] [pron] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If Sombro had been referred to me at one of my clinics in England , the problem would have been easy to diagnose and the treatment straightforward .
2 In a bedroom you 're looking for something at one ninety nine or two ninety nine .
3 But that 's because we 're looking at it at close quarters .
4 You 're talking to it at this very moment , you 're talking it out , you 're talking it down , and you want my help .
5 He felt sure he 'd have been told of it at literary do 's if she was really ill .
6 This includes a good proportion of the population as , in addition to persons currently employed by the state , many others have been employed by it at some earlier stage in their lives .
7 These contained a number of allegations that had never been raised with her at all .
8 Today though Her Majesty 's ambassador to Moscow visited Maxat the horse and announced that a home has been found for him at last in the Queen 's household Cavalry .
9 To sum up , in positing an item as an ontological existent we are at the same time by implication positing this item as a potential subject of a non-arbitrary subset of predicates from among an indefinite number of meaningful predicates , and hence as completely determinate with regard to possible descriptions that may be given of it at any given time .
10 There are fewer generally accepted criteria about what environmental adaptations are necessary or desirable for pupils with problems in seeing and some debate as to whether any special attention needs to be given to them at all .
11 His strength was his obsessive single-mindedness , his refusal to be diverted by what at that moment were secondary issues ( even though they might be issues of far greater importance in the medium or long term ) .
12 What mystifies me is that any woman could be attracted to you at all .
13 But the dreariness , the frightful struggle of life , the indifference of people , the troublesomeness of children — he did not want to be reminded of them at that moment .
14 That is not a matter where the parties are sufficiently advanced for it to be addressed to me at this stage .
15 But I do think the specific point you make as to whether there 's any prospect of the National Commission for Racial Equality putting any money towards the development worker that 's wished , ought to be addressed by somebody at some point in the context of preparing the next report .
16 The only charge that can be made against you at this moment is of theft from our house , however that may be read hereafter .
17 They might not know him by sight , or might not be looking for him at all .
18 Apart from and me , there is , a rather lugubrious ( though pleasant ) Peruvian , and , the French Canadian , whole reminds me of , in that he expects everything to be done for him at little cost in exchange for a good wit and ready sense of humour — also like , he plays the piano , with a special line in French songs .
19 ‘ It 's heart-warming , ’ volunteered Mr Kronweiser , ‘ that justice will be done to him at last . ’
20 Havelock Wilson who had , of course , been among those leaders to whom Larkin 's vituperation had been particularly directed , reserved his regrets for the oppressed people of Ireland whose cause had been so ill served by the " blunders and follies " of Larkin who " had such a splendid case , but made such a sorry mess of it , doing everything he ought not to have done and nothing that he ought to " and bringing , by his defeat , comfort to the Irish employers who had nothing good to be said for them at all .
21 He would be rid of him at last .
22 And what I was going to be getting for myself at some stage cos I 'd like to do the rest of the curtains myself .
23 The car would now be calling for him at seven .
24 Who could it be calling on him at this time of night ?
25 It has to be emphasised that the committee worked always in the shadow of the law : Section 132 of the Public Health Act 1875 had said that any expenses incurred by a local authority in maintaining in a hospital a patient who is not a pauper , should be deemed to be a debt due from such patient to the local authority , and could be recovered from him at any time within six months after his discharge from the hospital .
26 The Semai ethic of sharing mandates that aid be given when it is needed ( with the expectation , to be sure , that it will be reciprocated by someone at some later date when the giver is in need ) , but any accounting or direct reciprocation is unacceptable .
27 We 'll be finished with it at three .
28 It would be taken with them at any age and would contain :
29 A car would be sent for him at seven-thirty .
30 And she realized that the anger had not been directed at her at all .
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