Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] [noun] [be] that " in BNC.

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1 Driving for cash er well an indication of how strongly we , we 've been driving for cash is that er the reduction i in er operating cash flow is less than the reduction in profit .
2 The material occurs in the Old World near Lake Baikal and traces have been noted in the Pamirs , but the only source known to have been exploited in antiquity is that visited by Marco Polo in Badakhshan , north-east Afghanistan ( fig. 25 ) .
3 What they 're saying in effect is that they 're not going to entrust their latest toy to their closest ally because we 'd flog it to the first Russian we came across . ’
4 Yes , right I agree entirely , and one of the points we 're making to Mr is that we were never consulted we were merely told this is happening , now we 're trying to put the report in in a positive way .
5 An interesting warning can be gathered from Pooley 's that remaining in such an area for more than one minute risks possible harm from radiation .
6 The final point which needs to be made about ethnicity is that as a speaker variable it can not usually be isolated from social class .
7 What can be said with certainty is that the Danes still dance a Bournonville ballet much better than any other company , with far greater understanding and sympathy for its original style .
8 How and why they form is still not known ; all that can be said with certainty is that winds begin to twirl anti-clockwise around a fixed point of steadily diminishing atmospheric pressure , and this circulating system then begins to move , invariably in a westerly direction , its internal pressure steadily falling and the gales inside it picking up speed as it does so .
9 The most that can be said with confidence is that the relationship is a liability for the population of Eastern Europe .
10 ‘ HERE is the new Shorter Oxford Dictionary of which the first thing that can be said with confidence is that if you drop it on your foot you will never walk unaided again ’ — Commentator Bernard Levin .
11 The only thing that can be said for astrology is that it makes money for those who write and publish horoscopes , despite being wrong on most occasions .
12 The first thing to be said about mistake is that it does not usually provide a defence , for liability in conversion is strict :
13 What can be said about fluoride is that at concentrations of even less than one part per million ( the official dose ) it can cause toxic reactions in sensitive people and recent reassessments of the fluoridation scene suggest that this measure may be much more harmful to health than has been hitherto realized .
14 The first thing to be said about Bateman is that he was a Londoner !
15 The one thing that can be said in favour is that it sends vegans and animal rights activists incandescent with rage .
16 The power of a NFP structure that can successfully be transferred across borders is that it can begin to divorce the firm 's performance from national factors and thus reinforce the advantages of global scope .
17 A final point that has to be borne in mind is that in order to make generalizations based on the type of quantitative analysis pioneered by Labov , a large number of tokens must be analysed ( usually thousands ) ; however , it happens that some variables that are quite salient in the community occur relatively rarely , and so we can not make reliable quantitative statements about these covering the range of speaker variables , even though they may be involved in linguistic change and may be important for historical projections on to earlier English .
18 One point that must be borne in mind is that such maps can not be produced using Landsat MSS or TM data alone .
19 A distinction that must be borne in mind is that between the Court Baron ( which registered the transfers of copyhold lands ) and the Court Leet ( which saw to such practical matters as scouring ditches , mending hedges , muzzling dogs , etc . ) .
20 Another point to be taken into consideration is that grants are only made to applicants whose homes are below a certain rateable value , which varies in different areas of the country , and that , when the work is completed , the home must be regarded as a suitable dwelling for occupation for at least another thirty years .
21 Another factor that must be taken into account is that our Sun is not motionless in space ; instead , it travels around the centre of the Galaxy once every 220 million years or so .
22 One of the factors which must be taken into account is that we have to be responsive to changes in our scientific activities in order to provide the necessary Library support for them .
23 It was said that the main fear of many army officers who were posted to India was that they would be eaten by a tiger .
24 The conclusion of the policy being pursued at present is that eventually everybody will be subsidising nearly everybody 's housing .
25 A second reason for doubting that genes were made of DNA was that proteins are chemically much more interesting , and it was already known that at least some genetic abnormalities are caused by the absence of specific proteins .
26 The only advantage of being dumped by Clive was that it made this a lot simpler .
27 Briefly , what needs to be shown if the anti-monist argument is going to work is that it is in principle impossible to remove such predicates from the relevant contexts and substitute for them some other predicates without any loss of truth .
28 Another reason why the passive is used in writing is that it can reduce repetition .
29 What is known about Jane is that she lived in a cellar in Wisbech , earning her living by reaping in the fields in the summer and spinning wool and flax in the winter .
30 Of course , in er mammals wha you could say what was happening in mammals is that males are competing for access to uteruses .
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