Example sentences of "be [verb] [conj] [that] [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 Going back along the ditch and down beside the house , she tried to convince herself that no one would have heard her love-shriek , but she was already frightened that they had , and when she tiptoed into the scullery and crossed to her straw pallet in the corner , her fear increased tenfold , for she was immediately certain that the blanket had been moved and that someone had been there in the scullery only minutes before .
2 Kim Dae Jung also claimed that his supporters had been harassed and that he had been unfairly smeared as a supporter of North Korean President Kim Il Sung .
3 Then she saw that Peter had been crying and that he had taken the trouble to wear a clean , white shirt .
4 However , after the March 1990 elections ministers reassured white farmers that their interests would be protected and that they had nothing to fear .
5 It has to be said , however , that the way in which Mr. Occhi left the taxi at the end of the journey without further question seems more consistent with his having accepted that £7 in all was the fare to be charged and that he had been induced by the driver 's false representations to part out and out with all the money which he had passively allowed the taxi driver to take from his wallet .
6 from loyalist organisations and political groups met Whitelaw , the Northern Ireland Office would afterwards issue a press statement that such and such topics had been discussed and that he had emphasised the evils of violence and gangsterism .
7 He hung on to the semicircular rail around the outer edge , where they were standing because the businessmen who had got in after them had jostled them there , and she saw that his eyes were closed and that he had gone gray with fear about the drop .
8 Prime Minister John Major announced to the House of Commons on Dec. 9 that the Prince and Princess of Wales , who married in 1981 [ see p. 31116 ] , were to separate but that they had no plans to divorce and that their constitutional positions were unaffected , adding : " There is no reason why the Princess of Wales should not be crowned queen in due course . "
9 On 27 December Babrak Karmal , who had been a member of the post-coup government but who had subsequently been exiled to the USSR , announced that the former president had been deposed and that he had taken power ; the following day it was announced that Hafizullah Amin had been executed for ‘ crimes against the noble people of Afghanistan ’ .
10 The feedback suggested that attitudes had been changed and that there had been an increase in knowledge and skills .
11 What 's new is that the old defence , that a director did not ‘ knowingly or willingly ’ allow something to happen has been eroded and , Bell said , ‘ directors will have to show specifically and beyond a shadow of doubt they could not know what was happening or that they had minuted their protest ’ .
12 He tried to remember that Fiver was under-sized and that they had had an anxious time and were all weary .
13 I think he once did say to me that he was very disturbed at how much ‘ coke ’ David was doing and that it had got to the point where he did n't hide it from deFries , whereas he did for quite a while at first .
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