Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv] by each [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These secondary substances would not ( not at first , anyway ) have had their own lineages of ancestry and descent , but would have been manufactured anew by each generation of primary replicators .
2 An additional , optional logical name may be set up by each user if he or she wishes to store cached information from one LIFESPAN logon session to another .
3 Find another two people to be prayer partners with you once a week so that some of these prayer burdens can be shared and agreed on and so that you can be spurred on by each other 's zeal in prayer .
4 These figures vary , as they are bound to do , with differences in types of books stocked , binding policies , local circumstances , and — especially — the size of local bookfunds and therefore the minimum physical standard of stock that can be fixed pragmatically by each authority .
5 Extending these ideas , there have also been suggestions from socio-cultural anthropologists who have a leaning towards sociobiology , that , although the details of customs and moral rules and relational behaviours have to be learned afresh by each individual they are matters of culture — we may already know in advance how to organize such conventions into structured patterns by virtue of a genetically endowed predisposition to become enculturated .
6 The pollution standards in a consent are defined locally by each water authority and are specific in application , with each consent negotiated on an ad hoc basis .
7 Although Macmillan 's diary entries for 12 and 13 May provide the main direct contemporary source for what was discussed on his visits to Eighth Army , 13 Corps and 5 Corps ( there is no military source reflecting the contents of those discussions ) , it should be stated that Macmillan 's account tallies directly with all the contextual evidence for the range of problems which must have been put forward by each side .
8 In Example C , information was collected about which questions were answered incorrectly by each child , from items ranging across the whole primary mathematics curriculum .
9 With luck , an ensuing argument will highlight how the situation has been read differently by each partner and result in the couple being more married than before , feeling more together in themselves and with each other .
10 This was backed up by each board being sent this material as the board was established .
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