Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv] over the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Footsteps are heard all over the building causing surprise and apprehension and expectancy in those visitors who have heard about the phenomena but have n't experienced it .
2 The Museum , although having a modern exterior , was originally built around a Moorish bath-house Commemorative plaques of the Rock 's historical past have been posted all over the streets and buildings .
3 Towards the end of the 19th century , a crisis had been building up over the names of organic compounds .
4 While his loving note helped to sooth her misgivings , it was difficult to control the inner turmoil which had been building up over the months .
5 Table 7 gives some idea of the many Friesian derivatives which have since been developed all over the world .
6 In London the Shahs ambassador , Parviz Radji , who had been inter alia , the lover of Princes Ashraf , has been agonizing daily over the turn that is country had taken , the corruption of the court of which he was apart , and the inglorious way in which it has now all collapsed .
7 Counties are designated all over the south .
8 Such things are happening all over the country .
9 It is hardly possible to drive through the village and people have been climbing all over the wreck .
10 Families are like constellations of stars : we see each one as an entity , because they make some recognisable design , yet the individual stars are scattered all over the universe , apart .
11 The first 20 live closest to the hospital that is to do the transplant , the next 20 are somewhat further afield and the remainder are scattered all over the country .
12 The teaching faculties and administrative offices are scattered all over the city but , forming a wonderful backdrop to King 's Parade , stands the Senate House .
13 In more recent times , the present owners turned the old peasants ' houses , which are scattered all over the estate , into pleasant apartments .
14 More recently , it was impossible to forget how he personally had been let down over the reserves pledged for the first phase at Verdun .
15 And most of us have a general sense that things are pretty gloomy for people in the Third World : we might remember that Sudanese women must walk hours in search of firewood , that Brazilian peasants are still going hungry , that children are dying all over the world of something as simple and easily treatable as diarrhoea .
16 Product differentiation and improvement has been occurring steadily over the years and now includes metal and wooden window frames , doors , storage tanks , household furniture , beds , as well as a much improved range of braziers , and tin trunks .
17 More repairs have been carried out over the years — the most recent and probably most rewarding is the cleaning , repointing and replacing of stonework — all done by one of the parishioners .
18 Mobilisations , deployments and manoeuvres have been carried out over the years to discourage resistance to Communist takeover ( Czechoslovakia 1948 ) , to block undesired contacts with West Berlin ( 19 separate occasions , including two seizures of West Berlin territory ) , to apply pressure in negotiations ( Norway and the Barents Sea ) , and to mask intentions in crisis ( Czechoslovakia 1968 and Poland 1981 ) .
19 ‘ But what has been happening in Darlington has been happening all over the country , this has been a national problem . ’
20 It 's been happening all over the world for quite some time . ’
21 In parenthesis I should say that I am passing quickly over the significance of these four levels of understanding .
22 Since the death of Tito in 1980 , and with the growing economic crisis , which is felt by Serbians to have particularly affected them ( although there is , in fact , little evidence that Serbia 's relative position has fallen in comparison with Yugoslavia as a whole ) , a growing number of Serb intellectuals have been looking back over the past and asking themselves whether Serbia was discriminated against under ‘ Titoist ’ rule .
23 oh , right oh then , she said it 's been done all over the country
24 Managing director said : ‘ The safety culture has been built up over the years and the team as a whole is to be praised for that . ’
25 A great deal of expertise has been built up over the years in the shipment of petrochemical cargoes all over the world , often in custom-built vessels .
26 Bottle bins and cages for newspapers and cardboard have been positioned all over the centre and the scheme will be inaugurated at 2pm on June 17 .
27 His drawings and paintings have been exhibited all over the world .
28 It reveals all that has been said in the many policy launches and the speeches that have been made all over the country .
29 They 're just doing us out of money that we 've been saving up over the years .
30 One ca n't actually separate them , although you will try to , from all the other rules and regulations we are passing all over the place .
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