Example sentences of "be [verb] [verb] [pron] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 One , in the grounds of Tullie House Museum just outside the fort gate , was 12.2m ( 40 ft ) by at least 67 m ( 219 ft ) , with a substantial plank floor over a solid foundation , and may have had a military function ; attempts have also been made to interpret it as the base for a rampart surrounding an annexe to the fort .
2 Specifically , an attempt has been made to present him as the architect of Salisbury Cathedral .
3 The story of a children 's Christmas , climaxing in a party , comes towards the lower end of these two extremes , and we are going to take it as the plot on which can be built an interesting home movie .
4 Instead of thinking of it as a zero-sum game in which one side gains what the other loses , they are beginning to regard it as a positive-sum game from which both sides may gain , provided both play with skill and finesse .
5 When the file concerned was an ED ( Enumeration District ) level file , it was too large for our screen editor to be used , and a FORTRAN program had to be written to change it As a result of these corrections , the data held at Manchester is cleaner than that at OPCS ( the Census Office for England and Wales ) itself !
6 There are other meanings to be drawn from this first sonnet , of course , but what is clear is that the poetic sequence of Astrophil and Stella may be seen announcing itself as a failure , a success , both , or neither .
7 They threatened that , if he did not co-operate , the Northern Ireland emergency powers of detention would be used to intern her as a dangerous subversive .
8 If others point out to me that I always shirk opportunities to get something which I earnestly insist that I desire more than anything else in the world , I shall be persuaded to relinquish it as an end only if on reflection I am forced to admit to myself that I do not feel about it as strongly as I supposed .
9 I 'm going to give you , as a table one of the features of the plan , I 'm going to ask you as a group , but only one of you needs to write it , to write every single thing you can think of relating to that set feature .
10 I 'm going to ask you as an individual to choose one .
11 Good communications are encouraged by doing so , and each product line can be encouraged to see itself as a profit centre , a company within the company , making for commitment to that element of the company objectives .
12 While the preparations went ahead , Maria Teresa chattered about who was there and who was n't , of the rumours about the King 's plans to lead an expedition to Morocco and whether her brother would be chosen to accompany him as a gentleman adventurer .
13 They were written to proclaim him as the Christ , the anointed of God , the revealer of the Father , and to elicit the appropriate response of faith and trust in him .
14 When Churchill gave his first broadcast , suggesting that the Labour Party might have to resort to ‘ some form of Gestapo , no doubt very humanely directed in the first instance ’ , the electors were bound to regard it as a gross exaggeration ; Attlee , following the next night , could readily ask his audience to distinguish between ‘ Winston Churchill , the great leader in war of a united nation , and Mr Churchill the party leader of the Conservatives ’ .
15 Chapman took over at Leeds at a time when professional footballers were beginning to assert themselves as an organized body of workers .
16 In 1850 she was noticed by the artist Walter Deverell , who asked her to sit for him and a group of young friends who were beginning to distinguish themselves as the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood .
17 Muslim nationalists were encouraged to see themselves as the spearhead of the anti-colonial movement , and Lenin himself addressed their congress ( in November 1919 ) .
18 The government-backed unions are trying to portray themselves as the true and uncompromising voice of the workers : ’ outflanking Solidarity to the left ’ , as one commentator put it .
19 As evolutionists we are tempted to see it as the only kind of robustness that matters .
20 So for those who are tempted to treat it as a game , please remember that it 's not . ,
21 It is merely that the choice is made to run it as a self-contained entity and the appropriate structure thus created for it .
22 There are advantages in having it on your child 's birthday rather than the nearest weekend , in that it is a special day and it is fitting to have it as a day of celebration .
23 So , some other understanding of alienation is required to validate it as the dynamic which establishes a proletariat and a property-owning bourgeoisie as Marx 's two antinomies predestined to engage in that life-and-death struggle ; and Marx seeks to provide it by postulating alienation as intrinsic .
24 It had grounds for such fears , since it was struggling to legitimize itself as the Palestinian representative and did not wish this to be challenged by any independent local movement .
25 It was decided to adopt it as the standard background , keeping open the possibility of using pieces of velvet in special cases .
26 However , what is most interesting is that a deliberate attempt was made to sell it as a concept rather than as what might have hitherto been seen as a package of infrastructural measures .
27 Before the Tate/LaBianca murders happened , however , Charles Manson was attempting to make it as a rock star .
28 Uncle Harry was going to cast her as the hitchhiker in Mondo Desire .
29 She later explained , ‘ I did not think that anyone was going to believe us as a family .
30 Doyle was beginning to fancy himself as a small-time connoisseur of Modern Alternative Art .
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