Example sentences of "be [noun] [prep] [adj] [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 Since 1985 , there has been action in several prisons over several demands , but perennially the amount of overtime that has to be worked .
2 Fears over smells and health risks have now largely died down , but there are worries among local people over plans to burn human clinical waste .
3 What we can say , though , is that juvenile crime and street violence have been characteristics of British society over hundreds of years , rather than being indicative of a contemporary moral and social disintegration .
4 There have been disputes between hon. Members over whether Carlo Ripa di Meana , the European Community Environment Commissioner , was within his rights or was interfering in every nook and cranny of British daily life — as our Foreign Secretary put it in rather colourful language — when he commanded that work on construction projects in this country should cease because environmental impact assessments had not been prepared although they should have been .
5 ‘ We have been pioneers in many areas over the years , ’ said Dave Butterworth , managing director .
6 Accompanying these fiscal restraints were demands for greater accountability over the ways in which schools used their resources and fulfilled their broader teaching responsibilities .
7 Furthermore — and this probably gives us the best clue as to the intrinsic nature of schizophrenia — there is fluctuation in mental state over a much shorter time-scale .
8 A further 22.7 point slide in the FTSE100 index on Friday ( bringing the fall to 192 points or 7 per cent since the election was called ) is testimony to growing concern over economic prospects if Labour wins the election and the possibility of an early interest rate hike .
9 But all that has emerged from Whitehall so far is rumours of interdepartmental conflict over the report .
10 Agitation over the Irish question had assumed the proportions of a major political threat in the 1860s , bread riots were not unknown in London in this period , and in the shadow of the second Reform Bill of 1867 there had been occasions of political violence over voting reforms .
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