Example sentences of "be [art] [noun] of [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Probably foremost among these considerations are the laws of both the Anglican and Catholic churches on marital dissolution .
2 This is a mistaken fear : if causes are the cement of both the natural and social universe , refusal to consider their existence will not stop them operating ; it will merely mean that such causes are not uncovered , and , ironically , therefore will not be harnessed to give people greater control over and choice in their environment .
3 At the moment there are no indications of how the fire started …
4 Seeds continued to be upset in the Ladies event and the quarter-finals proved to be the downfall of both the top seed and defending champion Isabelle Wild , and the No. 4 seed Alison Fleming — both girls who had recently completed their final examinations were beaten by Lockhart and Nina Topper respectively .
5 Indeed I own myself unworthy and I long to be the servant of even the least religious in the Church of God and I hope by God 's grace to be made a sharer with them …
6 He also believed that the proprietor should be the arbitrator of how the proposals operated , but that this would not undermine the role of the Press Council as final arbitrator .
7 These arguments suggested that the starting point for criminology should be a consideration of how the legal rules that define crimes come about and whose interests they serve .
8 One source of interest can be a description of where the interview has taken place , perhaps a studio , or maybe the artist 's home .
9 There would be a reassessment of how the land reform process had worked .
10 This figure should be a minimum of twice the value of interest charged on all borrowed funds .
11 Bilinguals come somewhere between , indicating that there may be an influence of both the language itself and the internal processing of deaf people .
12 The universe would then go on to expand and cool just like the hot big bang model , but there would now be an explanation of why the universe was expanding at exactly the critical rate and why different regions had the same temperature .
13 It is the problem of how the necessary support , in a physical and environmental sense , which in different circumstances the old would obtain in the setting of a family or a closely-knit village community , can be available to these millions of ageing individuals isolated in a modern industrial society .
14 ‘ Christianity is the story of how the rightful king has landed … in disguise , and is calling us all to take part in a great campaign of sabotage . ’
15 This is the story of how the carol Silent night was written .
16 And also there is the issue of where the response er decision which you may have Heathrow terminal five , will in fact , in any future er discussions about er the further developments of Stansted Airport .
17 The local government officer is the servant of both the council and the public .
18 The Van Cliburn Piano Competition is the focus of both the cultural and the social life of Forth Worth ; founded not by Van Cliburn but by a Texan piano teacher in honour of the local hero .
19 We can see that their present distribution upon the globe is the result of all the more recent changes the earth 's surface has undergone ; and by a careful study of the phenomena we are sometimes able to deduce approximately what those past changes must have been , in order to produce the distribution we find to exist .
20 What marks the ‘ explanation ’ range is the assertion of only the weak determinism involved in claiming that similar effects always occur in similar conditions .
21 There is no evidence of when the committal order was drawn up , although Mrs. Butler 's solicitors were assured that this would happen in sufficient time for them to receive copies by fax later that afternoon .
22 There is no sense of how the various points discussed earlier in the book should or could be applied , for we are simply presented with certain aspects of the play 's style and development .
23 Second , there is no indication of when the process of finding information should stop .
24 There is no record of where the papingo was placed for the contests held during the first century of the Kilwinning Society of Archers .
25 The similarity of their views — if only on that one key point — is a measure of how the superpower thaw is extending from arms control to economic matters as well .
26 The form they take is a function of both the viscosity of the magma and the configuration of fractures and other lines of weakness in the country rock .
27 Whether this is a plain green , or yellow , or an overall mottled grey and brown , the result is a body-covering of precisely the same hue and tone .
28 That is a sign of how the play has been intelligently re-thought .
29 The other thing , and this is a case of where the panel bites back as it were .
30 They were last year , they gave an undertaking to do it as soon as possible , it is a case of where the money comes from er Mr of course is relatively new er we do n't bother about as a rule about what he casts as new costs in new staff .
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