Example sentences of "be [prep] [noun sg] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah it 's been for sale for a long time .
2 The ceremony meant an unscheduled return to work for Christine as she had been off work with a broken hip , but was well on the way to recovery and set for a New Year return .
3 Although the total retail trading area is unchanged at the period end there are in fact two different underlying elements new footage has been laid down in France but this has been off set by a net reduction in the retail trading area in the U K. The sales per square foot which excludes retail sales and is based on the waiting average trading area shows an increase of seven point two percent A low margin of fifty five point six per cent was down from fifty eight point five per cent in the same period last this , this was mainly due to a drop in in-house manufacturing participation and adverse exchange rates .
4 The losses and degradation of wildlife habitat have implications in a wider context than the UK alone ; heather moorlands , many upland broadleaved and Caledonian pinewoods , and some of the individual species dependent on these habitats , are of significance in a European context .
5 If you 're off work for a long time , Abbey 's going to pay the premiums for you , until you get well again .
6 I tell you what they 're under pressure from a hard manager
7 Now you see I do n't think that you can say I 'm all against national war but , but you 're in favour of a violent revolution
8 Well it 's one thing to t to talk amongst your friends I suppose , and another one to be you know spontaneous when you 're in front of a huge crowd of people .
9 Anyway erm the chap the first speaker was from Silent Night Bedding and they 're in dispute for a long time .
10 I am under pressure from a wide range of general practitioners to bring the list size criterion down and to extend the range of care that can be purchased by GP fund holders .
11 A further eleven are under construction with a combined capacity of 11,908 MW and another eight are planned with a capacity of 10,547 MW .
12 Er and I mean er a lot of that 's perhaps the release of stress , so that you know you 've been under pressure for a long time and then you , you take that away , and it may actually be detrimental to but er it does n't , obviously the figures are a little bit odd .
13 I am in favour of a regional band for London , based on average house prices .
14 A discrete block of land may have been in existence for a long time before it was first described in a written document .
15 The first 4 of these have been in existence for a long time .
16 And Widnes general manager Frank Myler , insisted that no club had been in contact regarding a possible move by Davies from Naughton Park .
17 Since Mr Lawson has long been in favour of a stable exchange rate — and since industry has enthusiastically supported him , by expressing its enthusiasm for membership of the European Monetary System — it is ill-placed to argue against an increase in base rates at a time when sterling was threatening to fall below three marks , although the Confederation of British Industry has predictably grumbled that the rise was unnecessary .
18 I can well believe that he has always been in favour of a social charter in Europe , but he has never before asked us to be in Europe enjoying its disadvantages .
19 He used the occasion to inform the public that his decision to withdraw from the campaign in July had been in response to a Republican dirty tricks campaign which had included a plan to smear his daughter through manufactured photographs and to disrupt her forthcoming wedding .
20 We 've been in love for a long time — well , I have anyway . ’
21 She 's been in agony with a long term back disorder .
22 The fittings here also looked as if they had been in service for a long time — probably salvaged from a demolition site .
23 When she was young , Aunt Bessie had been in service for a well-off family with a certain Mrs Leigh , who lived in Colne in Lancashire .
24 The most Mr Simpson would concede — with the greatest reluctance and sounding scandalised at the impropriety of the question — was that his late client had been in receipt of a private income from a family trust .
25 a concept which has always been in complicity with a teleological and eschatological metaphysics , in other words , paradoxically , in complicity with that philosophy of presence to which it was believed history could be opposed .
26 He received a letter the next day apologizing and accepting that he had not been in possession of a stolen car .
27 On the 22nd Hatton had paid five hundred pounds into his bank and two days prior to that had either been in possession of a large sum of money or confident of acquiring it , for on the 21st , a Tuesday , he had ordered his new set of teeth .
28 Here we have an undoubted theoretical cause , and also the undoubted fact that this cause has been in operation on a massive scale .
29 The boy , who had only been in care for a short while before the incident , is now in secure accommodation .
30 Many tournaments ( as you emphasised ) , have been in place for a long time and often with the same people running them for decades .
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