Example sentences of "be [prep] [adj] [noun sg] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly the Catholic Church had a vested interest in Aristotelian philosophy , but much of the conflict ostensibly between science and religion turns out to have been between new science and the sanctified science of the previous generation .
2 Had the recommendation been for industrial action and the crews voted against , I have no doubt Mr Clarke would have applauded the triumph of democracy .
3 A predisposition to stress such as that apparently suffered by the accused in the present case might fall foul of this restriction and it may have been for this reason that the Court of Appeal preferred to regard the case as one which might have been disposed of under section 78 had not the trial judge wrongly taken the view that that section also requires some misconduct on the part of the police .
4 Bacteriological tests are of little value as the results may not be available for some days .
5 The facts of this case are of such gravity that a sentence of general deterrent is necessary , ’ said the judge .
6 The radiating ribs of a fan are of equal length and the bounding line is in the form of a semicircle .
7 Searches in connection with equipment such as motor vehicles may be carried out to see whether they are subject to credit agreements but these are of limited value since a negative search does not guarantee the target 's absolute title .
8 The main European economies are of particular interest since the size of economies may be important to the issue of retaliation .
9 These are of particular value when a student misses a session .
10 Departmental committees do not have autonomous decision making powers … the vast majority of amendments are of minor importance and the major ones are usually initiated by the government or the Bundesrat ( the Council of Lander Ministers ) .
11 The procedures adopted for each category of incident are of less interest than the issue of how these patterns are able to coexist with the unexpected nature of much police work .
12 It seems to have been against creative law that the female should be endowed with morals .
13 They are like pale hair and the gutturals of dialects .
14 You will be happy to hear that I am in excellent health and the colony agrees with me well .
15 Traditional peg tiles have been in great demand since the storms of the past few years , so for Tenterden tile makers Spicer , the clouds had a silver lining .
16 Young openers Matthew Hayden and Michael Slater have been in sparkling form but the tourists are likely to start with their tried and trusted one-day partnership of Mark Taylor and Mark Waugh .
17 A total of 118 union and student leaders who had been in internal exile since the declaration of the state of siege were reported to have been released on Nov. 27 .
18 It may well have been in that picture that the new type was created .
19 As it was , the chantry duties of the guilds had been in steady decline since the early fifteenth century , so that by 1547 the majority had for many years been looked upon as burial societies .
20 The tightly packed schiltrons might have been in some danger if the enemy 's Welsh archers had been used at once ; but Edward or his advisers thought they could settle things swiftly by an all-out cavalry charge .
21 It is difficult to visualize now , but it must have been within this pavilion that the young Roshanara consulted her spies as she reclined on carpets beside the gently bubbling irrigation runnels .
22 It takes little thought to see that someone who is physically crippled and confined to a wheelchair may still lead a very full life if his mental and higher faculties are in good order whereas a physically fit but totally demented person has little left to give and little capacity to receive except for physical care and a little love .
23 The foundations are in good order and the quality of the original lime mortar is excellent . ’
24 Both the exterior wall and the auditorium seating are in good condition and the amphitheatre is in use particularly for bull fights ( 130 ) .
25 ‘ The assets of Bell Resources are in serious jeopardy if a receiver is not appointed in the very near future , ’ said Adelaide Steamship 's lawyer , George Palmer .
26 All its letters are in lower case and the picture cards incorporate both approaches .
27 In Germany , diesel sales are in sharp decline after the Greens pointed an ill-informed finger at the visibly dirty exhausts of diesels and cried ‘ polluter ’ .
28 While that is being done , their families at home , in Zaire , Somalia , Iran , Iraq , or wherever it may be , are in great danger if the authorities in those countries find out that an asylum application has been made in Europe or anywhere else .
29 Economists are in broad agreement that the period from the end of the second world war to the early 1970s was peculiar .
30 For example , there are dual currency bonds , where the coupon payments are in one currency and the redemption proceeds are in another ; currency change bonds , where coupons are first paid in one currency and then in another ; deferred coupon bonds , where there is a delay in the payment of the first coupon ; multiple coupon bonds , where the coupon payments change over the life of the bond ( although in a predetermined manner ) , fixed-then-floating bonds , where the coupons change from being fixed rate to floating rate ; floating-then-zero bonds , where the bonds change from being floating-rate coupon bonds to zero-coupon bonds ; and missing coupon bonds , where a coupon payment is missed whenever a dividend payment on the issuing corporation 's shares are missed .
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