Example sentences of "be [prep] [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Chairman Geoffrey Richmond said ‘ We are considering going completely against the current trend in the league and significantly increasing the amount of the players ’ budget , ’ he said .
2 Stopping would 've been like looking away from a hypnotist 's swinging silver watch .
3 A vote for Labour is a class vote and a barometer of how confident workers are in fighting back against the system of which Blackburn talks .
4 Burton shares ( 36p ) may be worth buying again after the horrors and management upheavals .
5 One practical point that might be worth talking over during the consultation process is whether there are any alternative posts for which you are suitable .
6 I had no interest in what this house should be like wishing only for a place and quickly to lay my head and could hardly rouse myself to inspect it .
7 Not wearing a shellsuit at Center Parcs would be like running out on the pitch at Wembley in a dinner jacket .
8 One of Einstein 's ways of working things out was to take the laws of nature as they were understood at the time and imagine them in unusual fictitious situations — such as , for instance , trying to imagine what it would be like to catch up with a light beam .
9 It 's got to be like cuddling up to a cushion as well as doing that terrible , animal thing .
10 A Chambers colleague remarked on seeing it that it must be like driving around in a Smartie .
11 Sundays were for sitting silently with a bible in front of you .
12 Intimation had been received during the previous year that they were considering paying over to the Official Trustee of Charitable Funds the sum of £12,000 , the interest on which would be sufficient to maintain their endowment of £300 .
13 A majority believed that UNTCOK should supervise elections in the south but Australia , Canada and India were against doing so on the grounds that it would perpetuate and not eliminate the division in Korea .
14 But when the snow melts in spring this crossing is essential , so it 's worth trying just for the fun of it .
15 The path follows the road out of Port Isaac and at the top it 's worth glancing back for a final look at this fascinating place .
16 Last month I tried to convince you that it 's worth knowing more about the Windows INI ( initialization ) files .
17 Sometimes it 's worth going away for a while and letting her think she 's beaten you , and then coming back with the food a few hours later .
18 The guide prices indicated are the manufacturers ' recommended retail prices — it 's worth shopping around for the best buy .
19 I ca n't say I blame them — for many of us walking is about getting away from the crowds , and summer in the Lakes is not quite the time to do that .
20 Will the Secretary of State accept that there are those of us who have never made the point that trust status is about opting out of the national health service , but have said that it is about local accountability and the views of local people ?
21 That 's for going round with the tape
22 It is worth looking carefully at the lettering cut deep into stone in Canberra 's vast war memorial : Australia , 8,709 ; New Zealand , 2,701 ; India , 7,597 ; France , 9,874 ; Britain , 21,255 .
23 Papers are not necessarily priced according to their surfaces , Rough , Not or HP and it is worth looking carefully at the various makes and their qualities , as two papers may have similar characteristics but be quite different in price .
24 It is worth pausing here for a moment to reflect on the weight of traditional thinking that McDowell is seeking to shift :
25 It is worth pointing out to the group that the first session is always the most anxiety-provoking , after which future sessions become progressively easier .
26 The walk follows a winding road out of Ballycastle for a short while , but it is worth branching off at the sign for Kinbane Castle .
27 Pelota is a confusing and various game , and before going to watch it being played it is worth reading up on the technique and the scoring , if you want to follow it .
28 It is worth quoting here from a speech made by Gladstone when he opened St Martin-in-the-Fields public library a hundred years ago , and a few words in answer by W.H. Smith who , incidentally , was of the opposite political persuasion : party politics were not involved in these vital matters then .
29 This is worth clearing up on the list now , before anything is sent , so what d'y'all think ?
30 If you have time , it is worth climbing on to the observation terrace on the site of the tiny Chapel of Holy Mary of Einsiedel which was part of the Theatine Monastery below .
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